Uncanny Resemblance!?

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[A/N: Woop! Woop! We're finally ashore in Inuzuma, damn that storm was rough. *rings out my poor coat of rain and sea water* This chapter ChiLumi meets Thoma. Everyone likes to compare Ajax and Thoma being very similar to the point of joking and calling him "Swedish Childe" and such. But honestly he's very different to me in his own rights. My favorite quest in the story was actually "Save Thoma" especially seeing the extreme harm taking away a Vision against their will does to the holder. I didn't want my poor blonde fixer ending up like that. *clears throat* Come on how can I not do Inuzuma and not have some Naruto, Inuyasha, and Demon Slayer OST for yeah to enjoy!?]


The skies had finally cleared as the gentle cries of lazily soaring petrels and sea gulls danced about. With it the waters had calmed as the sight of Narukami Island came into sight as Lumine, PAimon, and Ajax all raced out from the cabin. Lumine's eyes turned wide in amazement as the docks of the small settlement of Ritou Town came into view.

"Well, welcome to Inuzuma, Traveler-san."grinned Kazuha with a look of sad nostalgia on his face. Quickly he hopped down from where he sat on top of some stacked wine barrels and was making his way to go below deck to hide. After all he was a wanted fugitive in his homeland. "A word of caution, my friends. Inuzuma does not welcome outlanders easily and it is a land where strength and honor is valued the most."

"Of course, we'll keep that in mind. But aren't you a wanted outlaw here? Why take the risk, Kazuha?"Lumine asked.

"Yes why would you take the risk?"echoed Paimon. Though Childe seemed to have a vague idea why upon seeing the masterless vision strapped below Kazuha's anemo vision. 

"I have my reasons. May we meet again soon."grinned Kazuha before making himself scarce below deck.

Lumine and Paimon waved farewell to him before turning their attention back as Beidou got the crew to dock the ship and ready a boat to head for the docks. Making a point to put a few barrels of Liyue merchandise to give a valid reason for them to be here. Once they hopped down into the small boat with Beidou, Lumine turned her attention to Ajax beside her.

"You better make your Vision scarce, Ajax or at least keep it hidden."she informed quickly.

"Is the Vision Hunt that severe?"he questioned glancing at his hydro vision on his belt then back behind him at Beidou.

"I'm afraid so, Harbinger. I'd do what your friend here says and play it cautious."Agreed the captain as the pulled up to the dock. "Though you might have an easier time of it due to being a diplomat."she chuckled as she tied up the boat to the dock.

Thinking about it they were right so he unfastened his vision from his belt and hid it further up in a pocket inside his coat. It wasn't the best place to stash it but it was safer then him loosing it to this country's anti-vision policy. Lumine didn't know the harm a vision being taken against one's will did to the holder. For many it was a fate worse then death. "But she's no doubt going to find out while we're here..."he thought as he followed after Lumine. Spotting a blonde coming over to her and being a bit too close for his liking made some sort of jealous possessiveness snap in him. "Ahoy there!"greeted the blonde

Lumine was surprised when Childe hastily walked over and got between them. "Tartaglia?"she squeaked.

"Not a step closer. That's my girl you're getting overly friendly with here!"he hissed.

The blonde was easily the same height as the 11th Harbinger with these playful and sharp gooseberry green eyes. His blonde hair was not as haphazardly kept as the ginger hydro user and was kept in a short low hanging ponytail tied up in some kind of red string. His attire seemed to be a mix between somebody born and raised in Mondstandt and his accent she had heard earlier mirrored this with a slight mix of Inuzuma's own accent. His grin was challanging and playful as he leaned in. "Since when have I ever listened to a Fatui?"he jeered. "Besides, the miss doesn't mind that I came to say hello, do you?"

"Um —"She began but was swiftly cut off as the blonde stepped with expert ease around to grab Lumine's hand. 

"Dude what did I just say!? That's my girlfriend you're flirting with!"snapped Childe pulling her away as his water blade materialized in his hand.

"Ok, ok I get it! I'll lay off, yeash...no sense of humor you Fatui."the blonde instant had his hands up in surrender. 

"Childe, you're squishing me!"wheezed Lumine desperately trying to wiggle and push herself free. 

"Oops, sorry Ojou-chan."yelped Ajax as he swiftly let her go. The poor girl was so short and petite he kept forgetting how easy it was squish the poor girl if he wasn't careful. 

"Lively as ever I see, Thoma."laughed Beidou.

"Yo~! Glad to see you finally made it. You sure know how to keep me waiting, Captain."the blonde —now made known to the mas Thoma —greeted. "I've already met your trio of stowaways here, including a Harbinger no less....or should I call them your honored guests."

"Hey, shush!!!"hushed Paimon as beside the fairy Lumine and Childe motioned for quiet.

"You an idiot or something? We had to jump through so many hoops to get here."hissed Ajax softly.

Beidou could only sigh, looking rather annoyed. "You can blame your Almighty Shogun. The storms that border Inuzuma's waters have grown increasingly fierce lately. Though my crew were completely up to the challenge, the inclement weather still delayed us some what."she was swift to rebuke. Her words enough to make poor Paimon turn green at the memory of their rough ride and Lumine to fidget uneasily. Those days in the storm had not been pleasant for anybody and there had been a few close calls of some almost going overboard. "Right then,"Beidou turned to face the trio as she gestured towards Thoma. "Let me introduce everyone. This is Thoma, a trade partner that I've gotten to know pretty recently. Thoma these are —"

"Yo! You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to arrive here. I have no need for introductions since both their reputations precedes them."greeted Thoma, not seeming too fazed at Tartaglia's name. Everyone had heard of the Harbingers after all. This only made him the second one he knew of to land in Inuzuma recently. 

"Ah so you know who I am then. Color me impressed."grinned Childe.

"Nice to meet you, Thoma."Lumine greeted with a warm smile.

"Of course. You'd have to be hiding under a rock to not have heard of the 11th Harbinger, Tartaglia, codenamed Childe and the traveler, Lumine. Seems even the Shogun's storms can't keep the outlanders' rumors your deeds at bay."chuckled Thoma with a good natured, playful grin. Paimon was practically tickled pink though Lumine could detect the frustration and regrets shrouded away by his smile. After bidding Beidou farewell Thoma guided them through the tedious admission that Inuzuma put outsiders through. To say the least it was stressful was an understatement while meanwhile Childe breezed through like some kid playing hop scotch! However with both Thoma and Childe's help Lumine managed to get in. Their adventure in Inuzuma had finally taken its first steps. 

Now how were they going to find this Electro Archon?

To be Continued...

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