Fireworks Rescue

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[A/N: This is most assured one of the more...difficult chapters to have written. I had to think really hard how I wanted to tackle this as the rescue mission with Yoimiya tackled some dark topics. However with Childe/Ajax like gusto I relished this challenge to grow stronger as a writer. It is a chance for me to try getting more descriptive of my writing so this one is longer and might be one of the longest to date. In that regards I have provided you with some Naruto OST to fit this chapter. It won't be completely dark I promise there will be some actually very sweet moments too~! Oh and wild Sara appearing too~!]


This chapter contains mature subject matter revolved around subjects of torture, injury, and soldiers abusing power. 


"Thoma, Ayaka guess who finished up your wishes!"

Childe and Lumine followed in after Paimon only to find nobody in sight of the interdict room with the folding screen. The two of them covered in cuts and bruises from their very recent spar. Because Childe had been so frazzled and distracted due to Yae's words he had lost. Lumine had asked him about it but the young archer had brushed her off. "Hm, now where could they be?"Childe wondered curiously. Suddenly Thoma came up from behind them quiet as a mouse. Resulting in Ajax to get rather protective and flustered as he grabbed Lumine and pulled her away. 

"Bro what did I say about doing that!?"he hissed only to earn a swift punch to the face from Lumine. "Ow, Ojou-chan! That was a low blow!"

"Tart, dear, behave yourself and stop getting jealous over every time we see Thoma."she scolded earing a pout from the poor ginger haired harbinger. Damn for somebody so petite she had quite the arm on her. But then again her sword, Festering Desire was no toothpick either. It was not a sword you'd think somebody like her would use with how ominous it was in appearance to the average person. Nor would one think his adorable small girlfriend was able to wield more then a single element and was easily over 500 years old. Yeah looks were deceiving it would seem.

"Hey we're friends here, no need to bite."chuckled Thoma. 

"You two are as lively as ever."came a giggle as a young woman. With slow and delicate stride out came a young woman of approximately in her late teens robed in a blue kimono with a bright pink, bronze, and white accents to it. Inuzuma plate armor adorned her body in various places signaling this young clan noble was no stranger to battle as one hand held a navy blue and gold paper fan. Her long straight hair held up in a high ponytail was of an icy blue almost white hue with two pigtails in her side bangs and a headdress of a clan noblewoman. Her eyes were serene and cunning yet they held kindness...and maybe a sort of loneliness to them. She soon stopped closing her fan to rest it in her free hand before offering a polite nod in greeting. 

"Ah so you're Miss Kamisato. So you finally decided to ditch the screen didja?"grinned Childe.

"That's her?"squeaked Paimon.

"Traveler-san, Paimon-san, Tartaglia-sama it's a pleasure to finally meet you all face to face."smiled Ayaka. "Thoma's informed about how you've helped our three friends. For that I offer my sincerest thanks to you."

"Nah, we were happy to help. Right Ojou-chan?"grinned Childe. Lumine noticed he seemed to be practically eating up the praise. Then again he did love it when he received praise she had noticed throughout these months getting to know him. Even just a simple pat on the back would get him wagging his figurative tail.

"Yes but the damage from loosing a Vision can't be undone."Lumine looked truly upset and crestfallen.

"Hm, short of getting them their Visions back there doesn't seem to be any real way to help them..."sighed the celestial fairy.

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