Bonus Chapter: Christmas Far From Home

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[A/N: To celebrate how far you all have taken not only my Chilumi series but Xiaolumi as well here is a special bonus chapter. It is also the only bonus chapter I shall post onto War of Hearts. This is set a couple weeks after the entire mini arc of saving our ginger boi's life from the poison. So he's much better here then he was during the finale and the side story of their journey to Sumeru, "Hold Me When I'm Here". Regardless no spoilers for season 3 will be given beyond this. I will return with season 3 in January. Also enjoy the Christmas music I attached for them. I'll see you all in 2022 after New Years, probably around January for season 3. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!!]


The last few weeks had been utter and complete chaos. But despite the twists and turns and stress some how they had made it all in one piece. Within the safety of the seaside pocket realm of the serenitea pot snow had some how begun to fall. Painting the small woods and beach in a blanket of puffy white. Some familiar faces, both loved, respected, and adored filled the manor with merry laughter, teasing, and chatter. The manor covered in garland as the younger ones laughed and build their snowmen and snow forts as the teapot spirit hummed a bird like chirp of contentment.

Inside the manor the cheerful laughter only got louder as Jean tried hard to keep Diluc and Kaeya from arguing over where to put the tree. Bennet and Razor along with Kokomi and Amber were busy decorating the upper floor only for the clumsy, unlucky boy to take a stumble and crash into the stack of boxes full of tinsel. While at the same time a lone young girl with short blonde hair came out from the washroom with a basket of medical supplies in hand hurried down the stairs straight for the room of a certain exharbinger. 

With a haphazard juggling of the basket Lumine managed to get the door open and hurried inside giving the door a backwards kick to close it. The room itself was one of the larger bedrooms in the manor with a small study area, small bookcases, a small tea table, some dressers and nightstands with a antique shell lamp. Sitting by the window and to her shock looked one very solemn ginger redhead. "Is he still sulking, Paimon?"Lumine asked turning her attention to her floating companion.

"Yeah, he keeps mumbling stuff about his family back in Snezhnaya and some winter festival. Aloy tried to get him to move but Paimon said to leave him be for now."Paimon explained.

"Probably the right thing to do. Cyno did warn us he might struggle for a few weeks..."Lumine agreed setting the supplies down. But she wasn't quite convinced by her own words. "No, this seems more like something else...I wonder."she thought. So carefully she went over setting a glass of warm spiced apple cider beside him. That had succeeded in getting his attention.

"Ojou-chan?"Ajax blinked in surprise.

"Sorry, did I startle you?"she teased sliding her hand under his bangs to rest on his forehead. It still felt a tad warm. But that horrible look of death and very high fever was gone. But Cyno had explained it'd take a few more weeks and he'd be back to his old self by Lantern Rite in Liyue as long as he kept up his treatment. "Or have you forgotten what time it is?"

"Ugh...not archon foresaken brew..."whimpered Ajax as cerulean eyes landed on the vial of medicine in Lumine's hand.

"Yes Ajax that medicine Cyno and his friend were kind enough to make. The poison's gone but you gotta take it!"Ajax let out a moan of annoyance and defeat as Lumine sholved the vial into his hand. "Or I can always ask Albedo to make the medicine or Lisa instead."

Ajax paled as he remembered the last time he took a potion from that alchemist. Last time had turned him into a fluffy red fox for 24 hours. "Oh hell no!! I-I'll take the medicine Cyno made just don't get Albedo, please!"

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