The Seeker

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[A/N: Final chapter, probably. Now Sumeru isn't until 2022 so there wouldn't be a sequel until I play the Dendro Archon Quest. But I CAN write a sort of in between featuring Lumine and our new companion if you guys want or you get Xiao x Lumine take your pick after I finish my Zhongli x Lumine fanfic. But hot brownie cookies this has to be the longest fanfic I've ever written!!]


It had been a day since they entered the craggy canyon with its towering cliffs smooth from the elements as Liyue's lush greenery gave way to more brittle and sparse vegetation. The sight of trees were now becoming rarer the deeper they went. As the girls feared from countless commissions for the mining companies in Liyue, the Abyss Order and unfamiliar monsters were very active here. Combined with the twisting and turning dangerous cliffs and raggedly bridges. It would be too dangerous for one without a Vision with how things were right now. 

Lumine's gaze constantly trailed behind her to make sure the wounded man behind her wasn't having trouble keeping up. His pace was unsteady and slow as every now and then his hand went up to his head in vain attempt to nurse his throbbing skull. The hood of his cloak hid most of his face in shadows as he limped with a bit of slouch to his poster as he let out a breathy huff of exhausted discomfort. "Come on Ajax, we got a little farther yet to go."called Paimon with encouragement.

He honestly felt like utter and complete crap. His body was practically screaming, begging even for him to lie down somewhere. Just staying standing was sapping what little strength he had since waking up with a splitting headache in that hut. His body what's more felt like it was having a little war between cryo and pyro, cause it couldn't decide if it was cold or if everything was just too hot. "Ojou-chan can we please stop and take a break?"he said with a weak, strained sounding whine. It didn't hold the usual energy his voice usually did. 

"Aren't you always saying that you never pass up a chance to train?"she teased. "This climb is usually no different to you, Ajax."

"Ojou-chan, don't be so cruel..."he pouted in mock dismay that made Lumine smile as she and Paimon checked over their map. There had to be a waypoint or a statue of the seven near by somewhere. Those areas usually proved to be safe havens so they could stop and rest there. Ajax though splayed his hand over his eyes as his sight began to get hazy from his fever that had been slowly rising since they left. His headache becoming unbearable as he started to feel rather dizzy. 

"O...Ojou-chan I'm serious."came his strained groan catching the girls' attentions. Quickly Lumine gave the map to Paimon and walked over him but he ended up collapsing over the cliff as he stumbled.

"Ajax!"she yelped in fright and hurried to him jumping and sliding after him to grab his hands. Her companion was by now too disoriented and barely conscious. He was dead weight in her arms as she and Paimon struggled to pull him up. They would have all fallen had Lumine not heard then felt another strong set of hands wrap around her waist and what looked like some kind of grappling hook heave them all to safety.

"Cutting it a bit close for my liking, don't you agree?"came the sarcastic remark of a young woman as they were set down. 

"That was too close! Are you and Ajax ok Lumine?"panted Paimon. Her eyes turning wide at noticing the newcomer. 

"Y-Yes."Lumine then looked up at seeing  the fiery ginger haired woman walk over to crouch down between them. When she had been standing she stood around 5'5 foot from head to toe — around Lumine's height. Her frame was slender with slightly tanned creamy skin adorned with freckles. A small scar was just over one of her brilliant and sharp jade green eyes. Twin braids could be found in her hair on each side of her head tied up with some kind of blue leather strings as they were adorned with beads here and there. Her clothes seemed to be made of leather and even bits of metal in some kind of tribal warrior fashion Lumine was not familiar with. At least not at the top of her head. The stranger was young, appearing to be around Ajax's age if not maybe a year or two younger. Around her left ear was a very odd triangle tech device on her ear.

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