Black Sheep Pt.II

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[A/N:  ♫Lets get this thing shakin' like a disco ball, this your last warning and courtesy call♫ And Ajax quit enjoying this so much! 3 more chapters and we're finished the arc but the story isn't quite finished. Alos so many chapters in one day...time for bed....zzz....]


The shockwave of the ice cocoon had caused made Lumine near by yelp while ajax jumped back and slid his mask down. All around them what looked like pyro crystalflies flew and gathered around before it shattered, Signora's laughter filling the air. Out came Signora in a burning inferno of heat that instantly upped the temperature in the room to unbearable levels. Her appearance had changed drastically her attire reminded them much of a moth or maybe a butterfly. But much bigger and so much more menacing.

"Well, well, finally showing your true colors aren't you petty lil' witch?"taunted Ajax as he slowly circled around her. 

"A traitorous fiend like you shall face my inferno!"she growled as she lashed out with a whip of fire that scorched and melted the very ground it hit. Ajax though easily dodged letting loose a barrage of hydro charged arrows at the witch of flames. He looked positively giddy to Lumine as he dashed and leaped around like an electro seelie as he took part in this deadly dance. 

Signora's temper was rising like her flames as blow after blow her attacks were missing the former 11th harbinger. Ajax hadn't become the youngest harbinger in history for no reason after all. He had the skill and power he had been so carefully nurturing since falling into the abyss as a very young teenager. Some fire did manage to graze him from the sudden fire tornado as he jumped out of the way. 

"Is that the best you got Rosalyne!!"he laughed landing a blow from his water lance as he twirled it with ease. Signora reverting as she let out a pained scream to fall at his feet. Her body giving off steam from the hydro reaction.  "How disappointing. Unlike you Signora, I never passed on a chance to increase my strength. Neither did my comrade, Lumine. Ever since you left she and I have been sparring regularly. Sucks to be you right now doesn't it, oh Fair Lady?"he sneered as he lifted up his mask with a chuckle. Yes Lumine provided him far more of a challenge and would as she regained her old powers. Trouble also had this weird quirk of following his beloved traveler wherever she went too, bringing far more battles and adventures then he ever had as harbinger. She his world and he would do anything to keep that smile on her face and to hold her close. Impulse took hold as he took his free hand and wrapped it around Lumine's waist after she came over to join his side with sword in hand as Signora panted glaring daggers as they looked down at her. 

"So strong...but...but how!?"she wheezed gripping her injured chest and shoulder from where she kneeled on her hands and knees.

"Didn't I tell you Signora? Your arrogance is about to be your undoing."Lumine glanced over as Raiden with her katana in hand slowly made her way over towards the witch. Inuzuma's laws and ancient traditions was what Ajax and Lumine had turned to their favor...and against Signora. Call it manipulative but it had been a spur of the moment plan both she and Ajax had agree to while with Sara. 


Yes but it had been worth it in Ajax's eyes. They had been tense and at the ready to fight Raiden but she just glanced at them with cold, calculating eyes briefly as she passed them by. As they watched the blonde harbinger trying in vain to back away and keep distance from Raiden. The shogun poised like a elegant tigress stalking her prey with each step forward that promised Signora's doom. Then like a lighting strike the shogun dealt the finishing blow as Signora tried to destroy the shogun. The dying screams of Signora made Lumine's blood run cold while for Ajax it felt bittersweet as nothing left remained, not even ashes.

"You are the enemy of eternity."The trio quickly went on the defensive as the shogun spoke not bothering to face them. "But as the victors, I acknowledge your honor of a warrior's will. Therefore," Slowly Raiden turned to glance over her shoulder as her fingers tapped on the katana's hilt. "I shall allow you to leave Tenshukaku alive. Now go."

Not wasting a moment Ajax and Paimon followed after Lumine leaving the audience chamber and out back into the open air. But outside the weather had turned ominous as thunder roared and lightning crashed. The air felt heavy and oppressive as they slowly made their way for the gate. The trio weren't sure what to feel or think about how bittersweet Signora's demise was. Karma had come and collected an extreme debt alright and it was one that could not be undone. Slowly he could see the increasing agony on Lumine's face and they soon had to stop as her hand went her head with a whimper.

"Hey you alright Ojou-chan?"he asked in concern.

"Lumine do you have a headache?"asked Paimon in worry.

"My head...t-too much pressure everywhere."she whimpered.

"Come on, chin up....lets get out of here, Paimon feels unsettled."soothed the silver haired celestial fairy.

"Paimon's right I don't like this feeling in my gut. The sooner we get out of here the better."agreed Ajax as he gently gripped Lumine's shoulder. Lumine nodded choosing to let him wrap his protective arm around her as they continued slowly down the stairs. Her headache seemed to only get worse, Paimon's banter not exactly helping to settle their nerves or calm her throbbing head. "Once I get my answers I'm leaving Inuzuma."Lumine thought as she was forced to stop at another fit of agony smacked her poor head. 

"Lumine you alright? You've grown rather quiet."Paimon asked.

"It's this over abundance of electro in the atmosphere, Paimon. Lumine told me too much of an element in the air can cause her and Aether a lot of agony."Ajax explained making sure to keep his voice low since he was right beside the blonde. "Like when you got sea sick or had too much honey roast."

"Ugh...Paimon understand now, that's no fun. Hm? I can hear a commotion outside the gate."Paimon looked over at hearing the sound of fighting soldiers. 

"Ajax lets hurry, I'm alright now."Lumine urged.

"You sure?"Lumine nodded. "Alright, lets go."

With haste they hurried to the gate and the moment that they stepped out they saw Kazuha and Gorou. Excitedly Lumine waved in greeting earning smiles of delight. However Ajax's sense of dread rose as he felt something that made his hair stand up from the static. Kazuha's dismay at the sight of the shogun coming out to strike from behind as Ajax grabbed Lumine but he wasn't fast enough. Kazuha though bolted forth with a burst of electro which was odd since his vision was of the anemo element. "Oh no you don't, I won't let you."Kazuha thought as his blade clashed with the shogun's own.


Ajax, Lumine, and even Gorou and Raiden had been stunned to witness Kazuha had succeed in not only pushing Raiden back but deflecting it! Successfully protecting his two friends he had met in Liyue. However just as fast the shogun struck back, sending him flying and skidding to a halt as he slammed his katana into the ground to slow the impact. Resulting in his late friend's vision coming off and falling witha clunk to the ground before it lost it's electro glow. 



"Shit! this doesn't look good Ojou-chan."hissed Ajax as they watched the resistance charge the Raiden Shogun. 

"What are we going to do? They don't stand a chance against her!"squeaked Paimon in panic. 

Lumine knew exactly what to do as she motioned for Ajax to follow as she sprinted with sword in hand and charged straight for Raiden and with a cry as she leaped to strike a huge manifestation of an electro sword appeared before their eyes. And just like before when they rescued Thoma, both Lumine and Ajax were swallowed up into the darkness.

To Be Continued....

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