1 - First sight

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"I could not tell you is I loved you the first moment I saw you or the second or the third or the fourth. But I remember the moment I looked at you walking towards me and realised somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you."
-Classandra Clare


3 years ago

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3 years ago

Park Chaeyoung

Not one day passes without me hollering in the apartment for my roommate and also my best friend to make it out of the dorm in time.

Today is the first day of college. I despise firsts. Firsts are unpredictable, you never know what to expect this you can't control it. I'm the textbook definition of perfectionist.

"Oh no we're gonna be late" Lisa hurries out her room while still putting on her socks while walking. "I'm sorry Chaeyoung-ah, I was so excited for today that I couldn't sleep on time". I want to be annoyed at her but after bellowing a sigh seeing her pouting, I hand her a toast with jam "It's ok, let's go now. Eat this on the way to the coffee shop."

She gives her trademark sunshine smile. Though we're the same age and only a month and a half apart, she still feels like a baby to me.

We rush down to the coffee shop to get the daily dose of caffeine which is much required to start the day. We have been coming to this shop ever since high school, so we're too familiar with the staff and so are they with our orders.

The smell of coffee reaches my nostrils and I'm already in heaven. I gaze at the barista who happens to be Lisa's boyfriend with eyes twinkling, secretly begging him to get me my caramel macchiato.

"The usual I assume?" He gave me his usual boxy smile. I nodded fervently. I probably looked like a desperate puppy in want of a snack but I didn't care. "This stuff could kill you Chae, you should reduce some cups in a day" I hated this conversation. "It is the only good thing about my day, Tae, please get me that cup of coffee"

He gave me a look of disappointment but still went over to the station to make me my coffee. Lisa chatted with Taehyung, until orders were ready. Jimin exited the kitchen and came towards our direction. "Y'all ready to go? First day!!"

I rolled my eyes but my thoughts went to bin the moment my cup of coffee was handed to me, the comfort of it's smell and heat enveloping my senses. I had decided the moment I tasted coffee. If I ever find a man who has me look up from my cup of coffee, he'd be the one.

Everyone chuckled seeing the same expression on my face that saw everyday. I heard the bell next to the door of coffee shop ring announcing someone's arrival. Usually I wouldn't have looked up but this time I did.

The man looked my age, dressed well but simple entering the shop with other 4 men carrying their own bags. He although looking tough, seemed like a kind person. The moment he caught my eye looking at him, the brown orbs sparkling with curiosity, I knew I was doomed.

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