24 - Can't help but fall in love

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"Love is a condition in which happiness of the other person is essential for your own."


Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook

I sat in the veranda of the beach house , me and Chaeyoung drove to today afternoon. After the very intense sex, wine and loads of food, Chae had dozed off. But not before wishing me Happy birthday over and over.

1 am

The soft and soothing wind tousled my already messy hair and I could just look at the sight of ocean infront of me in awe. Then dim lights from the beach illuminating the waves, the sound of waves just therapeutic and pleasing to hear. My mind kept wandering to the events of the entire day and a shit eating grin etched permanently on my face.

This day.

God this day.

And this girl.

There lay the girl of my dreams who transcended to reality. The angel from heaven in a human form. I didn't think I believed in God and still not very sure that I completely do even now, but I've started to believe in angels. There will always be humans who'd enter your life and exit, and give memories in the way, I want to cherish the good ones and keep the negative ones as lessons. And Chaeyoung gave me a lot of good ones.

I'd look back at the time when I would tease my friends for being whipped. But I know now what they felt. That what it was like to be completely dedicated to someone. Yes violins don't play in the reality like the movies but your heart does beat fast. It does make your palm sweat, your breath to get caught, you start paying more attention to your appearance and at the end of the day you just want to see the love of your life to simply smile.

That one smile can melt and destroy your heart at the same time.

I remembered about the book Chae wrote for me. I hadn't gotten to read it yet. As slowly and quietly as possible so as to not wake her up, I took out the book from my bag and went to living room.

The cover was a painting of two people sitting at the edge of a cliff and now that I was not looking at it tears blurring my vision, I noticed the grass was actually words.

Baby pink is the prettiest pink, Hot pink anniya.

I am not your oppa.

I shouldn't be eating this but what can I do.. I love food so much.

My name is Jungkook.. scale is international playboy.

It's cozy, like rosie.

What do you mean RIP, it's alive.

Justin Seagull.

Rosie throw it back what, am I supposed to twerk.

Ding dong.



I set the book down.

My head was spinning. Is this girl real? There were so many more but I couldn't concentrate at the point. The attention to detail she has is something I've always admired about her. But the hard work and time this piece would've taken made me more emotional than the titanic ending. Mustering all strength to get through it and not wake up Chaeyoung, I picked up the book again trying to calm down my heart.

The vault in our hearts.

It seemed to be twist on the fault in our stars titles. Chae did love that book but I never understood why it was extremely tragic.

Baby I'm no Augustus but I'm not letting go of you forever.

4:35 am

Setting the book down for final time I let go of the tears I was holding. Crying seemed like the most appropriate response. What I had ever done to be at the receiving end of this girl's love was above me. My mind blanked, my soul stopped searching for the purpose to be looked at or found. I rushed to the bedroom, lay down besides the girl who had melted, reconstructed and made a better version of previous heart. I looked at her sleeping form, took in her beauty, beneath which lay the kindness.

Collecting her in my arms drawing her closer, smiled at how perfectly she fit in there, moulding her body to mine even in the sleeping state. Sleep washed over me soon after, but I did whisper before dozing off,

"I love you, Park Chaeyoung."

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