3 - Breathe

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"If people were rain I was the drizzle and she was a hurricane"
-John Green


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in space where time doesn't exist and everything is moving in slow motion.

It kind of felt like that now. As someone who enjoy's academics and the major of my choice is my passion, on the first day itself I felt like I was distracted.

Though being physically present, mentally and from the corner of my eye I could see Jungkook. I even noticed him look at me couple of times.

Why is my heart beating so fast?

So I looked out the window. Clear blue skies with birds flying around freely. The tree right outside my classroom had yellow flowers which made it look calming. I noticed a squirrel on the branch hopping around and all I could do is smile at it. The innocent and tiny creature going about it's day.

The bell rang pulling me out of the peaceful zone. I walked out of the class keeping the books pulled out in my hand because I was too lazy to put it in the bag and started walking out of the class.


I turned back to see the owner of the voice, him becoming more attractive after hearing his voice. Deep at some points but still so calming.


Oh my god.

Say something Chae.

"Hi, Jungkook right?"

He nodded. He was adorable.

"Do you mind if I walk with you, we would have the same schedule through the day. And I don't know anyone else here."

He gave a shy smile, his ears turning red and looked down after realising he'd talked a lot.

"Ofcourse." My smile was genuine. For the first time in my life I felt like I could be myself with someone other than my friends who I've been with since childhood.

The comfort is unnerving. How has a single interaction with him making me so warm inside?

We walked together to the next class which was two buildings across, good thing we had 10 minutes between all lectures.

We were silent but the silence was comfortable. He didn't seem like a person who opens up easily and honestly I could relate to that.

I looked at him and saw his hair, curly at the ends, him walking with a small pout, ears still red from before. Unlike me, I started a conversation.

"Are you from Seoul too?"

He turned to me his doe eyes that had caught my attention the first time at the coffee shop looking directly at me but this time much closer. "No, I'm from Busan actually. Are you from around here?"

"Yes. Me, Lisa, Taehyung, Jimin, Jennie and Jisoo. We were in the same school and being from the same neighbourhood, we all became really close. How did you meet the guys?"

"Same story. Though I'm the youngest amongst them. They're like my family. They protect me, take care of me and most importantly although being the youngest they treat my like their equal."

The red in his ears had slowly started to disappear. I gave him a smile growing shy from his gaze and clutching my books tighter. We had reached the class.

The day went by in a haze. The whole group met at lunch break, chatting and animatedly discussing everything. It was sweet and warming to see how even in such a big group everyone would pay attention to each other. Though everyone knew other just for one day, we had bonded. At the end of lunch everyone agreed to meet at the exit gate.

Before leaving the lunch table though, Jennie dragged me and the girls towards the washroom.

"Jen whattttt" Lisa whined, while me and Jisoo quietly went with her because she looked like a woman with a mission.

Jennie halted when we me in the middle of washroom, after checking all cubicles are empty. She looked directly at me and said "Spill."

While the other two looked at me all confused I was panicking.

"You had an untouched coffee in the morning, which by the way hasn't happened once. You treat coffee like a bible and always go on and on about how hot coffee is heavenly. You were brushy in the morning and lunch and kept looking sideways towards where the boys sat." Jennie explained to the two while looking at me.

"What how did I not notice this"Lisa screamed.

"Chae, do you have a crush on someone?" Jisoo looked at me with a ghost of a smile on her face, eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Unnie" I blushed becoming embarrassed by all the sudden attention.

"Oh my god. Who? Chaeyoung Park how dare you not tell me about it. Who is it. Oh my god is it Jimin?" Lisa ranted while shaking me while holding my shoulders.

Jennie's face fell instantly. Her smile replaced by poker face.

"Oh god no." I pointed at Jennie and said again "No. Ofcourse not." She visibly relaxed.

"I don't know if it's a crush or not yet"

"What" all girls looked at me perplexed while my blush got deeper. "Who"

"Is it my cousin?" Jisoo asked "Is that why you're hesitant to tell us?"

"Unnie no it's not Jin oppa. I think I actually like Jungkook. Like.. I don't know. I.. I'm confused." I stammered but finally saying it aloud helped me relax.

"Aww chae." They all cooed.

"Jin actually told me he's a big softie and a cutie. I ship this." Jisoo told me, now fully grinning at me.

While the girls were busy teasing me, I happened to look at the watch and panicked.

"Let's go we're gonna be late."

We ran back to cafeteria to grab our bags to see Jungkook sitting there along with a sketch pad. Our footsteps alerting him of our presence, causing him to shut it, looking at us approaching he smiled politely.

"Let's go?" He said looking at me. I nodded and could feel the girls looking at me. "Chaeyoung, are you ok?"

That caught me by surprise, "Ya ofcourse why?"

"Why are you looking so red?"

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