11 - Your Warmth

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"Who ever that loved not at first sight?"
-Christopher Marlowe


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

I woke up to a soft sound of rain coming from my window. The room was dark and a little chilly, but still something heavy and warm held me down. I shifted my gaze to my right as I was unable to move otherwise.

The sight that greeted me was breathtaking. Jungkook's eyes closed in peaceful slumber, his lips slightly parted. He looked so innocent and childlike that I couldn't just look away. When I realised he must have shifted in his sleep to hold me, I started to blush.

We're cuddling.

Oh my god is this what it feels like.

How am I ever going to sleep peacefully without his warmth and presence ever again?

Even though my brain was alerting me to wake him up and get water as I felt thirsty, I couldn't. I couldn't stop looking at him, couldn't get myself to disturb him in his peaceful state.

He must be tired.

I felt guilty for unnecessarily causing so much worry and work for him. I needed to make it up to him. Do something equally sweet if not more and take care of him like he does for me.

Our confession in previous part of the day came up in my thoughts. And that's when the panic set in.

Is he my boyfriend?

But he hasn't asked me yet.

He pulled me closer in his sleep, I was pressed to him completely. All my thought process and brain capacity went out the window and I could just focus on how steady his heartbeat was, how warm he was. I was close enough to feel his muscles contracting as he breathed.

Oh my god.

The thunder cracked loud outside bringing me out of my initial panic which was now replaced by fear. I unconsciously wrapped my arms around him and pressed myself closer. There is nothing that terrifies me more than a thunderstorm. A whimper escaped my throat as soon as I heard another thunder sound. This probably woke him.

"Chae?" His voice so heavy and groggy like he was still half asleep. I probably would've squealed loudly over how hot he sounded right now if it was some other situation but now it just calmed me down.

My response was to bury my face in his neck, clutching him tighter. I could feel his heartbeat increase and him stiffen with surprise.

Or did he just not like my touch

"Chae? Hey?" His voice was unsteady like he was choking out the words using his free hand to pull
my chin and hold my gaze as I looked into those beautiful brown orbs.

"What is it?" His concern was heard in the voice, but the proximity now was making me dizzy. His lips were centimetres away. As much scared I was at the moment, I couldn't help but notice the quickening of heart pace and the tension in the atmosphere.

"I'm so sorry. I'm probably overstepping but I'm just too scared of the thunderstorms and I just did that instinctively and I'm so sorry" I said while pulling away from him slowly getting conscious that he might not want this or might be uncomfortable.

He just pulled me back, more closer than before. His forehead was resting against mine, our noses touching, one more movement and we'll definitely be kissing.

"I'm here for you. I'm not leaving you, so don't get away from me." His voice wasn't groggy anymore but it was deeper. The voice sending shivers down my spine. He used his foot to drag the blanket over our bodies, still holding me, whispering calming words to calm me down. But he didn't make a move to kiss me. And that somehow made me respect him more than I already do. He was focused on taking care of me, like he always is. I owed him so much.



"What have I ever done to deserve you? You take care of me so much, console me and are always understanding, I hope you know what an angel you are." I said as I moved my hand from his torso to cup his face while talking while I felt bold.

His eyes shine with emotion and he looked at loss for words, he just looked at me unmoving, not saying anything. But his eyes showed so much love that I was having a hard time to breathe.



"Please be mine. I'm not that good with words, I wish I was and I hope eventually I'd be able to write you essays over how I feel about you. I'm want to grow with you. Be better for you. Be my girlfriend because I can't survive another moment without you."

I felt tears running down my face.

"You are the best thing that happened to me. You are best version of yourself even now and I wouldn't want to change a thing. I like you a lot, Jungkook. I was already all yours before you even asked."

He hugged me close, pressing a kiss on my forehead and I could've fainted.
"I like you a lot too. So much baby."

We just spent the next few minutes grinning and basking in the aftermath of the confession. I saw him gaze at my lips.

"Can I kiss you?" His voice was hesitant.

"You don't even have to ask"

And I closed the gap between us.


Oh my god writing this chapter was quite a journey. Let me know what y'all think. Many interesting moments in the next chapters lined up. Coming soon.

Until then, toodles.

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