5 - Confessions

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"Francois Rabelais. He was a poet. His last words were "I'm going to seek the great Perhaps." That's why I'm going. So I don't have to wait and die to seek the Great Perhaps."
-John Green


Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook

I'm infamous for randomly zoning out. Usually I'd be thinking of a 100 things but since this year my mind seemed to wander to this one person who I get off mind.

Park Chaeyoung.

The name brought a smile to my face. Her smile, her laugh, her tears when she ate anything, her rap style talk when she talks about something she's excited about, her love for flowers, the blush when she gets embarrassed, those beautiful chocolate eyes who are the kindest and there's something about her that makes me so comfortable.

It's been a year since we met. The coffee shop girl, the girl who instantly held my attention and who just ran away the moment she made eye contact with me.

World shifted. Eventually as the year progressed I understood her quirks and kindness. The selfless attitude. She gives an embarrassed blush when she she feels like she's getting too much attention.

I looked at the sketch I was unconsciously making.

A rose.

Her english name is Park Roseanne. How fitting and beautiful.

The human Rose.

I shook my head physically and went to the next sheet, remembering the final assignment of the year. The professor had given us a task to compile a portfolio of all things that inspire us.

I had a few ideas but I needed a plan of how to make it happen. Since we had a deadline which was a month away, I still had time. I wondered what Chaeyoung was making.

You're whipped Jungkook!


I remembered the conversation I had with Namjoon hyung last night.

"Do you like her?" He asked me entering our shared room with a smirk on his face after the call I had with Chaeyoung ended.

"Who?" I tried to be innocent but the smile he gave after hearing that I knew I had failed. Sighing admitting defeat I looked at the ground.

"Yes I think I might be in love with her. But-"

"You don't know how to tell her." He concluded. I nodded still looking at the ground. " My maknae is all grown up." That made me blush.

"Just tell her, Kook. She seems to feel the same for you. You both are so obvious that at lunch it makes the rest of us gag." He said making a disgusted expression.

"I want to hyung. But don't you think someone as good as her deserves someone better. Sometimes I think of the past and stop. Something in me pauses to evaluate if I'm worth her attention." My eyesight starting to become a little blurry with the incoming tears.

"You know Jungkook, as self deprecating you are about yourself at times, you're none of those things. You're a good guy buddy. Seize the moment. She's not going to wait forever." He said with an encouraging smile, patting my shoulder slowly. His words made me feel better. I gave him a small nod.

Lying down before sleeping I thought about how this girl deserves the best of me.

I will be better for you, Chae.


I hope y'all are enjoying the book. This is my first one and I am aware the writing could improve, but I'll do my best to give y'all a good book.

Let me know what y'all think.

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