9 - You take my breathe away

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"They met, they talked and it was epic."
-Elena Gilbert


Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook

I watched Chae sleep as she lay down next to me. Her lips slightly pouted, her fingers holding my hand loosely like a child.

She is breathtaking. After our confession, I got her the kimchi stew I cooked and we both ate our lunch together. No words were exchanged during the eating. But she did thank me and teared up at my cooking which made my heart soar. I'll cook for her regularly if that's all it takes to make her happy. Though the silence was there and we could only hear moment of cutlery, it was warm and comfortable.

Should I ask her to be my girlfriend?

What if she says no?

"Jungkook" I looked up, bought back from my reverie at her innocent eyes.

"Ya?" Her cream coloureds hoodie sleeves covered her palms making her look like a cuddly bear.

"Is it ok if I take the pain medicines now?"

She did look visibly uncomfortable and holding her hot water pouch to her stomach squirming a bit. Without answer I rushed to the living room to collect the medicine and handed her a water glass and the pill.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice."

"You've done a lot for me. You always do." Her smile made me melt. This woman is going to be the death of me.

We decided to watch a movie for sometime. I brought her laptop from the table and was about to pull the study chair towards the bed for me to sit but Chaeyoung pulled me towards the bed holding my hand.

"Sit with me please." I could see she was blushing so I didn't tease her about it despite how fast my heart was beating. We repositioned ourselves so that we both rested our back against the headboard and shoulders touched slightly.

She put on some movie and I was pretty sure I had zero interest in it. I was hyper aware of her and the surroundings.

About halfway I felt silence from the being next to me and felt her head rest on my shoulder. My heart somehow stopped and felt like it began to beat again after too many years at the same time. I didn't dare move as now I felt her soft breathing indicating her being asleep. The urge to just scoot and and have one look at her so tempting. I moved my neck a bit to see, she looked very peaceful and innocent like this morning.

She moved slowly so I thought she was awake but still asleep she shifted so that half her body was pressed to me, slinging one arm around me and nuzzling her face in my neck like I was her personal life size cushion.

I stopped breathing. My heart was beating so fast that I feared Chaeyoung might wake up on hearing it. She felt so warm and soft. Her lips dangerously close to my neck. My brain had stopped functioning.

I closed my eyes to pray to have strength to get through this. Chaeyoung was breathing on my neck, the warm breath caressing me and sending shivers down my spine. Eventually the rhythm slowly calmed my nerves, putting me to sleep.

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