6 - Smitten

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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are of the same"
-Emily Brontë


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

The pain is unmatched. I slowly crawl to my left side, trying to fish my phone which lies on the bed side table.

Dialling the number of the only person coming to my mind, gulping down saliva readying my body to talk through the pain. I try to muster words barely squeaking it out as the phone shows connected.

"Chaeng where are you?" Jisoo unnie asks with a mildly panicked and concerned voice, warming me a little to witness how much people worry about me.

"Unnie" I almost whisper it.

"Oh my god Chaeyoung what's wrong? Are you hurt? Who hurt you? I'm gonna kill them. Are you sick? Oh my god you probably are-"

I cut her off mid rant.

"Unnie, I have massive period pain." I didn't wanna sound weak but it comes out as a sob.

I can hear her sigh in relief but still asks in worry. "Is that why you're not in college? Lisa also has gone to Thailand to visit her parents, do you want me and Jennie to come there to take care of you. We have an exam today and tomorrow but I'm sure the professor will be willing to make an exception for us one time as we're his best students. We can definitely ask-"

"Unnie please don't miss your exams for me ok? They're more important. I don't want to burden you both." Sending the reply coming "I know you'd say I'm not a burden but I'll definitely manage something. Don't worry."
"Are you sure, Chaeng? Because asking would definitely not hurt anyone."

"Yes Unnie I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll just rest for the day. Can you please just inform my professors just in case?"

"Ofcourse, sweetie. Please take care we'll drop by as soon as the exam is over."

That brought a smile to my face. Many people don't have the luxury of been taken care by people voluntarily who are not your family. But I'm just grateful to know I have that.

As soon as the call ended, I started feeling drowsy, the pain medicines I took before lying down and calling probably taking effect.


I woke up and felt a huge blanket draped over me, along with a hot water pouch near my stomach that I was unconsciously holding. Getting confused by the situation, since I remember doing none of these things, I turn my head to see Jungkook sketching peacefully, engrossed in his art, shock and embarrassment starting to overcome my body.

Why is he here?

How did he know?

My movement probably must've made some noise, making him look up. Blush spreading on cheeks, feeling hot all over my body.

"Hey are you awake? Do you feel any better?" He asked while approaching me. No one in my life I've ever found handsome as much as he seemed at this moment. His dark blue jeans, snug to him, showing how toned his thighs were as he walked, the navy hoodie, bringing out the colour of his skin. He is breathtaking.

I snapped out of the trance he put me in as I felt him sit on the bed right next to me. Slowly and hesitantly he placed his palm on my forehead "You're very red now, Chae. Are you sure you don't have fever." His concerned pout was so cute, I could've died because of swooning.

Imagine the headline in the newspaper. Girl died because Jeon Jungkook is too hot and cute to handle.

"I'm ok." That came out squeaky. I cleared my throat out of embarrassment. "I'm ok now." I said while starting to sit up.

He placed his hand on my bad to help me up maybe but that action got him close to me, I swear I could hear my heart wanting to jump out my chest.
I pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry I believe you're shocked by my presence. Jisoo noona came to tell me to tell the professors you won't be attending classes for the day due to health issues. I panicked hearing that, I thought something happened to you. Jisoo noona laughed at my reaction. She said it was period pain and you need rest."

I stared at him in disbelief.

Do you care about me that much?

But I didn't dare to ask it out loud.

"I actually told the professors that you couldn't attend and some reason for myself too. I rushed here to take care of you. I stopped at a supermarket. I got tampons, pads, ice cream, some snacks, groceries to make hot soup for you, muscle relaxing medicines and I even bought 2 DVDs of movies that I feel you'd like. So that you know you'd be distracted from the pain."

I stared at him my mouth agape. I couldn't believe this. To say my face got crimson would be an understatement.

"Chae" He leaned towards me stroking my cheek. "Please take care of yourself. I got really scared. I wish you'd think to call me when you're in pain or in need. You know I'll always be there for you right?"

I love him. I realised it months ago. But today I'm sure. I don't need to ask Lisa what it's like to be in love for a confirmation. I know I love him.

I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes trying to savour the feeling. The fear of him not reciprocating my feelings has been there since the beginning of realisation of my crush on him. If he doesn't I can atleast do with him being this caring towards me. I don't know what I did to deserve his affection. But something about it is addictive.

"Jungkook." I opened my eyes to look at him, and expression of awe greeting me. "Thank you. You really take care of me a lot."

It was his turn to blush. His ears became red, Embarrassment made him touch his ears, it's his habit, I noticed this throughout the year. My grin grew even bigger seeing his reaction.

You're  too cute. I love you.

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