10 - Distress

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"She was a ray of sunshine, a warm summer rain, a bright fire on a cold winter's day"
-Grace Willows


Kim Jennie

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Kim Jennie

"Is everything alright?" I asked unnie as soon as she got off the call was Rosie. People might think we're overacting but she never misses school. Her attendance was and always has been 100%.

"She's having bad period cramps." Understanding seeped in me. As bad as we all have it, Chae just has it way worse than us. But still the concern remained.

"She had never bunked due  to period pain previously. Is it that bad today?"

"She said she's alright but I can feel she's not. Her voice was v shaky and barely audible. I'm starting to get more worried even though she reassured me she's fine. I wish we didn't have exam today so that we could've gone there to check on her." Jisoo says worry rising in her voice with every word.

"We'll she's a big girl so let's trust her judgement. Let's head to her apartment as soon as exam is over."

Jisoo nodded. She was rarely serious. In the few moments that she was, everyone knew that it was bad.

"Where are the guys?" I asked in an attempt to distract her. Even though mentally I was making a shopping list of things to take for Chae when we leave.

"Name of the devil." She just pointed ahead.

The group of guys walked towards us. The 7 of them had bonded a lot in the past year and it showed from their actions. We all had become close as a group. Though people on campus assumed we were dating some of the guys, but truth is only Lisa is dating Taehyung.

Jungkook was soft and usually silent. But I never failed to notice how his and Chaeyoung's eyes sparkled when they were around one another. The usually shy people were outgoing and normal with each other. They thought they were so slick about it but all of us knew. The obvious feelings shown right on their faces. I wondered why nobody confessed.

Maybe they need a little push.

As the idea came in my mind, I whispered it to Jisoo unnie. Though her eyes widened, she wholeheartedly agreed.

As everybody started walking towards the classes, we grabbed Jungkook.

"Noona? What is it?" He was adorable. Like a younger brother I never had. His eyes became wider, and I realised what Namjoon says about his big eyes is true.

"Jungkook we have an exam today." Jisoo started.

"Oh? All the best, noona."  Though he raised both his thumbs while saying that he still looked so confused. Poor thing, I elbowed unnie.

"Sorry, we'll get to the point. Rosie is sick so can you please inform the teacher she won't be there in the class today?"

He nodded meekly. The alarm clearly visible in his eyes.

"Is she alright? Will she be alright?" He sounded so concerned my heart swelled.

"Yes. It's just we're worried because she doesn't miss classes, you know?"
He nodded and we started walking. He stopped in the middle of his tracks so we turned back to see what's wrong.

"Noona do you mind if I go and take care of her?"

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