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"If I had a flower for everytime I thought of you, I could walk through a garden."



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Jeon Jungkook

Resting my back on the tree in the meadow near the new apartment, I breathed a sigh of relief. Work left a little free time and taking out time for myself had proved to be an impossible task but somehow I had tried to manage the work life balance.

Smiling as I looked at Hank and Bahm running around and playing in the meadow, everything seemed worth it.

Looking back at how the last three years progressed envoked a nostalgic yet a beautiful flutter in my heart. The college life which I never thought would give me so much, gave a lot.

With the ongoing pandemic and strict regulations in the country, the outdoor time was limited. I'd use that time to get the dogs to feel the fresh air as they would get agitated being in the house for that long.

As did I.

But complaining was not an option. We had to do what was necessary for our own as well as the safety of everyone around us. Collecting the dogs, we walked back to the apartment. I loved the new apartment. It was spacious and landlady was very sweet. With Yoongi hyung and Jennie noona living right across from the flat, it was a great place. Namjoon hyung and Jisoo noona would drop by once a while for sometime to check on all of us. Them getting together was probably the most shocking thing that happened the past year. Those two were polar opposites yet so similar that it just made so much more sense. Though they just lived in the building 15 minutes away, any new faces were welcome. As I arranged the food and water bowls for Bahm and Hank, the bell rang. Setting the bowls down I went to the door, to be greeted by the most beautiful sight.

There stood Chaeyoung pouting at the heavy grocery bags she held, hair in a braid, her yellow sundress which was one of my favourites complimenting her curves.

Though half her face was covered in a mask, she still looked breathtaking

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Though half her face was covered in a mask, she still looked breathtaking. Taking the bags from her as soon as possible with one hand, pulled her in with another.

"Welcome home baby" I cooed in her ear.

"I was gone for one hour." She laughed.

"So? I still missed you." I felt her smile before drew away.

"Let me go wash up and get sanitised real quick."

She rushed to the adjacent bathroom which I took the groceries to the kitchen to get them sanitised and started placing them in the cabinets. Feeling the familiar warmth and the arms wrapping around my torso, I turned back to look at her.

"You're so beautiful." I stroked her cheek lightly with the back of my knuckle.

"You're not so bad yourself." She tiptoed to kiss my cheek.

"Really?" I smirked.

"Did our babies have fun?" Ignoring the blush on my cheek everytime she calls them our babies, I answered her question.

"Ran around for 45 minutes. They're gonna be asleep for a long time after eating."

"Aww, Why is your heart beating so fast?"

"The way you said our babies makes me happy."

The raised her left hand to and pointed at the finger have the ring. "We would've gotten married last year if not for the pandemic. You still have doubts of my thoughts for our future."

"Not doubts. Just a hard time digesting you're mine."

"I'm all yours."

"So what do you say we practice having those babies you mentioned."

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