17 - You're unreal

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"I love you as certain dark things are loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul."
-Pablo Neruda


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

I smiled as I looked at the pictures the girls were uploading on the group chat. It looked like they were on their mini honeymoon instead of a vacation. Jennie and Lisa were to return in next two days, Jisoo was volunteering at a summer camp for children and somehow got Namjoon oppa to go with her. There was definitely something going on between them but she never confirmed anything. Although the pairing was impeccable I must admit. I stared at the picture showing Yoongi and Jennie kissing while Jen held the phone at the backdrop of the beautiful blue sea, I wished me and Jungkook could go to the vacation as well.

The latter was currently in the bathroom while I sat in the living room waiting for him so we could begin our movie number 2 in our movie marathon. The kissing picture just reminded me of the make out session we had pre lunch and I couldn't help but blush furiously.

It felt surreal.

It was the only was good describe it.

"Are you looking at naughty pictures? I'd be disappointed if they weren't of me." Jungkook emerged from my room holding a smug smile looked like one poke and he'd be on the floor laughing at his own joke.

The accusation only got me to have a bewildered expression which is what probably pushed him to start laughing. His laughs just embarrassed me further, feeling me face getting hotter, I buried it into my palm.

"I'm sorry Jagiya, but you have to admit that was hilarious." He said as he tried to pull away my hands from my face. Being successful in doing so, he kissed on the middle of both my palms holding them like they were the only thing that mattered.

"So what we're you looking at if I may ask again?" His amused expression didn't waver.

"Jennie and Lisa uploaded their pictures from their vacation on the group chat." I proceeded to raise my phone to show them to him.

"They're beautiful pictures."

"I know right." I said nodding fervently looking at my phone.

He kissed my hand again, he was now sitting infront of me cross legged. "Are you alone for the next two days?"

"Yeah." I sighed. I didn't exactly enjoy living alone. His ears were a little red, he seemed to be hesitant to say what he did next,

"It's too late to book tickets to our vacation, but is it alright if we have our vacation at your home? I'm sorry Id gotten so caught up with the portfolio it never occurred to plan a vacation for when the submission ends. Let me make it up-"

I didn't let him complete. I leapt from my seat to land in his lap, crushing my lips against his which such force that even even surprised him. "I don't care where we are as long as you're with me. I love you Kook. I love you so much. You're the most thoughtful person I know, and just because you took some time off to prepare for college will never upset me, baby." I cupped his face, my tone softer than it ever was. "Please don't ever feel guilty on my account. I was as invested in my portfolio as you were. And I will never blame you."

There was so much emotion in his eyes that I could feel everything inside me melting.

"How did I get so lucky?" And then he kissed me. Long and hard. I placed my legs on the either side of him, as he drew me closer clinging to him for supports as his kisses ran me breathless. His hands drawing circles on my back, pushing me more closer to him if it was possible. We drew back because of the stupid need of air.

As we caught our breathes we looked at each other, he still held my face with one hand close to his, "I love you too. I love you so much too." He said as he peppered kisses around my face.

As he descended to kiss my neck "It's getting harder to control myself around you." He said as he went back up to kiss a soft spot behind my ear. But this time paused to look at me straight in the eyes.

"I know." I whispered I wrapped my arms around his shoulder, hugging him close to me, kissing at the base of his neck before I buried my face in his chest.

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