7 - Cozy Like.. Rosie

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"Be with me always- take any form- drive me mad! Only do not leave me in the abyss, where I cannot find you."
-Emily Brontë


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

For the first time in my life, my mind didn't run through various thoughts. As I sat in the living room hiding a hot chocolate which Jungkook made, peeped at the kitchen where Jungkook stood cooking.

How much ever I insisted on helping, he didn't budge. He asked me to rest.
his hoodie sleeves now rolled up on his arm, as he carefully chopped the vegetables. The action revealing his tattooed sleeve. I never thought tattoo were sexy until I saw his.

The show playing infront of me on the TV completely forgotten as I looked at the man in my kitchen secretly. The events previously playing in my head.

How does he know so much about taking care of women in that week? Did he have or still has a girlfriend that I never knew about?

The thought brought a sour feeling in my stomach.

She must be really pretty and lucky to deserve him.

Suddenly aware of my clothing I glanced down at my outfit.

The bed head hair, dark circles on my face and a plain outfit

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The bed head hair, dark circles on my face and a plain outfit. It's kind of something I've always worn and felt comfortable in. Feeling a little conscious, I decided to atleast get up and wash my face.

I went to the bathroom washed my face, applied a little lip balm as my lips had started to look a little cracked and brushed my hair.

Stepping out feeling a little fresher but still feeling the cramps at the tiniest movements. I went and laid down on my bed, holding the hot water bottle.

Jungkook came in after a few minutes. His forehead had a little sweat, from the heat I presumed. Still wearing my yellow and white polka dot apron on his outfit, I didn't know if he looked more hot or cute at the moment.

Seeing my lying down, " Chae is the pain getting bad again?"

I didn't want to sound like a baby but I just nodded. He removed his apron and kept it on my desk. He asked me to get up, instantly came behind me and sat down holding me close to him. Rubbing my back gently, it helped ease my cramps but brought completely different kind of jitters to my stomach. I felt my face getting crimson again.

"Ju- Jungkook? What are you doing?" I croaked out sounding a little breathless. This felt so good.

"I heard it helps ease the pain." I said in a very low voice.

Calm down, Chae.

I nodded weakly at that.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Ofcourse." He slowed his movements on my back, sensing me tensing up.

"Are you sure your girlfriend will be ok with this?" I barely whispered it, my hurt tone evident in my voice.

"I don't have a girlfriend, Chae." He said after a pause, amusement clear as day in his voice. This brought back my embarrassment, blushing furiously.

"I thought because-"

"I read about everything on the way to pick you up. Called my mom from the market to know what all is necessary. Even she asked me the same question though." He laughed now. I could feel laughter vibrate through body.

"I'm sorry." I squeaked out feeling more embarrassed when he explained. That made him snake a hand on my waist, pulling me to him as my back was pressed on his torso. It's probably not healthy for my heart to beat so fast for the entire day right. He caught me by surprise. So I froze.

He rested his chin on my shoulder.

Oh god, this is so intimate.

"I'm all yours, Chae." That made me turn and look at him. I probably looked like a cartoon right now who had their eyes almost pop out of their sockets but I didn't care. He looked at me still very close, drew back slightly to hold my face. Stroking my cheek like he did few hours ago.

"I like you, Chae."

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