16 - Is this what paradise feels like?

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"Every cell in body was telling me he was my happily ever after."
-C.J. English


Kim Jennie

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Kim Jennie

I woke up to soft snores from my right, looking at Yoongi seeming so peaceful. Cocooned in two blankets he looked like a baby. I reach out to cup his face stroking his cheek gently, looking at him as he woke up, blinking away sleep.

A small grin greeted me melting my heart. Knowing that this was not a frequent occurrence normally and with me this was his normal mood, it made me feel warm. He pulled me by my waist to him, burying his face in my bare shoulder, gently kissing my skin and then settling to bury his face in my neck, mumbling something I didn't understand.

"What was that?" I asked while still giggling, feeling giddy from his kisses.

He again mumbled something, his voice still sleepy, but I felt his smile on my neck. I pulled away a little, to look at him eyes still closed, his expression happy.

I watched him instantly frown at the loss of contact, and laughed. He opened his eyes saying "I said" Pulling me close again, "How can you look that beautiful first thing in the morning" He peppered my jaw with kisses now.

"Are you going soft on me, Min Yoongi?" I wanted my tone to be of amusement, but it came out breathy as his kisses had started to affect me.

"Only for you baby" He said while looking straight into my eyes then proceeding to kiss me. Though I laughed a little at first, but I felt his hands stroke my lower back, squeezing my butt a little while kissing, earning a moan from me. He smiled as he kissed now, pulling me closer, restarting what just stopped a few hours ago. We fell into the blissful stance as our bodies were again tangled under the sheets, getting lost in pleasure and moans.

After the intense morning I stood infront of the mirror, finishing my make up. No amount of foundation I applied covered the natural blush from all the activities, my smile so wide that it refused to leave my face. I could hear the shower water from the bathroom, indicating Yoongi is still in the bath.

Forcing him to get up from the bed might've been the hardest things I've done in life. Finishing up my look I looked at my reflection satisfied with my appearance.

Too tired to decide a hairstyle, I just left it like that

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Too tired to decide a hairstyle, I just left it like that. I went to the kitchen, to make some breakfast for both of us. Though I didn't cook much, there were a few dishes I was good at. I decided to make pancakes and cut up some fresh fruit. Switching on the coffee machine, I started the work.

Looking through the window, the view took my breathe away. Though we'd been here for three days now, today being the last, the view never stopped feeling spectacular. At the end of our term, me and Yoongi decided to take a vacation, to a nearby beach.

While I was plating the pancakes and fruits, I felt his arms wrap around me, his warmth making me nuzzle into him.

"Hi you. It smells so good."

"Thanks" I blushed at the compliment.

We settled at the tiny dining table, the hotel provided in the balcony of the room overlooking the ocean.

We ate my mood dampening slowly as I realised we'd have to leave in a few hours. My tiny vacation or escape where only me and my vout friends existed was over.

"Hey what is it?" I looked up to see Yoongi looking at me concerned.

"I'm just sad today's the last day." I sighed. "I wish we could've stayed here longer." Pouting now looking at the view.

"Jennie-ah look at me." He pulled my chair near his by it's leg, now hugging me sideways. " I can understand what you mean. This has been too perfect, you've been too perfect."

"You know Jin hyung called this morning. After I stepped out of the shower. He said they're planning a birthday surprise for Jungkook. Though I suspect Chaeyoung is behind the plan."

"If Rosie is planning then everyone needs to sit back and wait for the day with cameras for Jungkook constant crying reaction. She plans the nest surprises and gifts. Every single detail she looks into making it so personal, the person is left wondering what they did in life to deserve this."

I had a smug smile at my face now, worries forgotten. Reminiscent of the number of times and the kind of gifts I was given, I knew we were lucky to have that angel.

"Then it seems like we just need to be there to execute her vision. Those two kids look like they're obsessed and in love with each other."

"As am I with you."

"I love you too." He said growing extremely shy now. I always laughed at his constant reaction, pressing a kiss on his jaw.

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