20 - To infinity and beyond

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"There is an ocean of silence between us and I'm downing in it."


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

The sounds of birds chirping surrounded me with a slight breeze. The weather was impeccable today as I sat in my university garden with my sketch book. I sketched the couple sitting infront of me. They we sprawled in the grass resting their backs against the tree, the guy's hand was on the girl's shoulder as they talked animatedly about something. A slight smile on my face as I was about to finish the sketch.

The squeaks of a squirrel alerted me, chuckling at the thought of how everyone called me chipmunk.

Are my cheeks that fluffy?

The second year's first semester's one month was almost over. I barely slept, ate or met anyone. Physically my body functioned on caffeine and the need of attendance. I gazed at my completed sketch and smiled at it.

Love stories make you feel emotions that you never knew you possessed. They make you dreamy,soften your heart and soul and are mostly poignant until you discover that they also make you yearn and pine over that emotion that seems unreachable given to how books portray it. As someone who has experienced it, it also brings a nostalgia.

What the books and movies fail to convey is the amount of work a relationship demands. The simple act of communication becomes the key to success. Though it's easy saying all those things working on it is not. When you have a million assignments hanging over your head, pressure from family, body issues from not getting time to workout, unhealthy sleeping and eating patterns, implementation of communication becomes difficult.

I know my parents are worried about me. I haven't been home since 8 months. Even though they understand why, it's getting tough for me also to cope, I've never been away from home that long.

"I wish you stared at me like you're at your sketch right now." Startling me out of my thought, Jungkook looks at me with a mildly amused expression, his figuring towering over me, his shadow protecting me from the sun.

"I do look at you that way." I pull his hand gesturing him to sit next to me. Pressing a quick kiss on his lips which took him by surprise, I now look at him with the same amused expression. "Just thinking of some things."

He pull me towards him, so that now we were sitting like the couple I sketched. "So what we're you thinking about?"

I think the one thing that drew me to Jungkook was his ability to observe and listen. The feeling of you know when a person is listening to you with their full being and attention directed to you is so rare and so beautiful to feel. I smile and blush at the thought.

"About you. About us. Just life in general. How I'm lucky to have you. You treasure and take care of me. That every couple around us including us are going through multiple problems in their personal lives whether it's family or academics and the lack of time is always a concern, but you always take out time for me. Even though sometimes I get moody due to my tired state, I want you to know I love you with all my heart Jungkook. I want you to know I appreciate you and your efforts. And I want to make it up to you."

He looked at me dumbstruck. My sudden reaction shocked him somehow it seems.

"I always have time for you. We're going to make this work baby." He nuzzled his nose in my neck.

"To infinity and beyond." I laughed mimicking his impression of Buzz lightyear.

He chuckled against my neck.



"Your birthday is a week away."


"Do you have anything in mind?"

"Nope. I usually don't make a big deal out of it anyways. As long as I have you." He hugged me to him now.

I laughed again. His birthday is gonna be interesting.

I hope you like it my love.

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