25 - The vault in our hearts

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"Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it."
-Nicholas Sparks


A snippet of The vault in our hearts by Rosé

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A snippet of The vault in our hearts by Rosé

"I cannot fix on the hour or the spot or the words which laid the foundation."

This quote really didn't make so much sense to me until recently. I'm a control freak and I pride myself for being that but it also implies i like to know the situations before hand which is one not possible and two makes it very messy. Though I found out when things aren't planned or intended they turn out to be more beautiful than you think. I'm dating the guy I found a cute in the start of college and I never saw that coming.
I'm grateful and filled with gratitude which I learnt to express recently. Life is better, I smile a lil wider, laugh lil harder and cry a lil less. I've never been such a touchy person so me having constant thoughts of cuddling is a huge progress.

I miss you, kook. Everyday more than the previous. I forward to the day we could go back to meeting and hanging out every single day. People keep cursing college hours but now i see it as a blessing. We all have gotten all this time to work on ourselves. We have all this time to appreciate and value what we had. We have all this time to to spend time with our loved ones. But most importantly we now know what it's like to be alone without the people we want around. we'd come back with a nicer spirit and more love for each other.

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