2 - Distraction

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"You're enough to drive the saint to madness and king to his knees"
-Grace Willows


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

I love colourful notes. While many people struggle with note taking process, this is my favourite part of education. I use my baby pink pen, black ball pen and pink highlighters to create notes which make me want to read them again. Scribbled notes and unkempt handwriting had always annoyed me, so this process is something I purely enjoy.

But not today. Today I use it to distract myself from the morning events. The pumping of heart after just seeing someone. Is it normal? Am I sick? Do I ask Lisa? What do I do?

I remember today morning clear as day. The moment our eyes met something shifted and I think even he felt that if his red cheeks and ears were of any hint.

Averting his gaze he looked down. He's shy. I thought. How cute. I've always been surrounded by guys who were sure of themselves and exuberant of confidence. But like him it was a rare sight. Shy people are interesting to look at. When they smile they seem like someone who are too surprised by the fact someone even noticed them.

My thoughts are interrupted by Lisa shouting "Earth to Chaeyoung!" waving her hands infront of me dramatically and frantically.

I looked at her completely alarmed feeling embarrassed by the fact that I was caught staring at a stranger. But Lisa hadn't noticed it seems. Proven to me by the next statement.

"You realise we're still going to late right?!" That is when it hit me.

I am never late.

Park Chaeyoung doesn't do late.

Thus we ran out the coffee shop with Jimin and Taehyung behind us at some distance. I did not miss the look of interest and mildly humoured expression the stranger gave me before I ran out.

We reached the college huffing and puffing still 10 minutes to spare for the class. I was about to pick my phone to call the two, until I spotted them. My two other best friends and favourite sisters to exist. Kim Jisoo and Kim Jennie. Anyone looking at them won't ever miss the class and elegance those two possessed from their wealthy upbringing. But their attitude was otherwise. Often people thought of them to be shallow and snobbish, they were anything but. If being with them taught me anything it is that appearances are deceptive. Don't ever jump to conclusions or judge anyone just because what someone looks or dresses like. And I am grateful for that.

Us four waved at them enthusiastically to catch their attention only to be returned with bright smiles. Approaching us Jennie raised an eyebrow at me and suddenly I became too conscious of my appearance. I looked down at what I was wearing, an outfit which I picked last week in order to be prepared for first day.

It seemed appropriate enough

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It seemed appropriate enough. So it wasn't my outfit. I decided to just ask her later.

"I think me and Jennie forgot to tell you all but my cousin and his friends also joined the same college. He said he will meet us here with his group of friends. I hope we all get along." Jisoo announced with a enthusiastic smile.

"Ofcourse unnie where are they?" Lisa asked while we nodded.

"Wow name of the devil, here they are." Jennie looked behind us made all of us turn and it was my turn to be shocked.

Walking towards us were the same men that we saw at the coffee shop. Jisoo introduced us to their cousin Kim Soekjin who inturn introduced us to remaining four Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook.

The stranger.


What a nice name.

While everyone introduced themselves and talked, Jungkook looked at me and I looked at the floor flustered or pretended to be interested in the conversation.

I found out Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok. Jisoo, Jennie and Yoongi were all in the same year. While the first two boys had the same major Business Management, Hosoek was a dance major, Yoongi was a Music major and the girls were fashion majors.

Me, Jimin, Taehyung, Lisa and Jungkook we all were in the same year. While Jimin was a dance major( junior to Hoseok), Taehyung and Lisa were Fashion majors like Jennie and Jisoo which left me and Jungkook in the same class Art majors.

I gulped.

My brain had stopped processing.

Same class.

With this mystery man who makes my heart pump so fast for no reason.

I don't ever remember blushing either in my life.

Snap out of it Chae.

Luckily the bell rang alerting us. As we were scattering towards classes, Jennie grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear.

"I want to know later why you have an untouched coffee cup in your hand."

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