22 - Awaiting

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"I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly then all at once."
-John Green


Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook


New english word I learnt thanks to my native Australian girlfriend. The word means intensely irritated or trusfrated.


Sorry just struggle with that word at times. Exasperation is what you feel when your hyungs are lying around the table you booked at the restaurant completely wasted, giving emotional confessions, laughing at their own jokes, Jin hyung claiming how he's the only ten,Hobi hyung gone silent and Yoongi hyung body switching with Hobi hyung to be the loudest person in the world at the moment.

"Yah it's my birthday how am I the only one not allowed to drink. I'm twenty four now." I almost scream at them for giving me driver duty at my own birthday celebration. It did confuse me as it was tomorrow. It did confuse me why they were dragging me out a day before but I didn't question it as Jin hyung said it was his treat.

"Because you're one lucky bastard." Yoongi hyung smirked.


What is that supposed to mean?

Taehyung and Hobi hyung widened their eyes giving almost a scolding gaze to Yoongi hyung but he look least bothered and just laughed at their expression. I was even more confused now.

"What he meant is." Jimin hyung stepped in laughing, "You're one lucky bastard to have the opportunity to drive us home."


"Can we leave? The restaurant is about to close now it's 11:30." I was still glaring at them and got up before they could answer.

"Ofcourse whatever you want it's your birthday party." Namjoon hyung laughed.

I left half carrying Taehyung hyung and dragging Yoongi and Namjoon hyung who had grown particularly attached to the Karaoke machine to spare the more torture to the ears of the poor owners and staff because they were screeching and wailing at this point.

After making sure everyone was seated in the car, I drove towards our shared house. Jin hyung's parents were kind enough to let us all bunk in there and have separate rooms. I felt very grateful.

As we reached the house and I was parking the car, Jimin hyung almost screamed.

"What!" I panicked hearing it.

"Nothing just shocked how good of a driver you are." He replied laughing which rest joined. I slammed the door of the car losing all patience and went inside the house feeling a little guilty about how I reacted and little confused by why no one was following me into the house.

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