18 - You're Unreal Pt.2

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"Your hand
touching mine
this is how
galaxies collide."
-Sanober Khan


Park Chaeyoung

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Park Chaeyoung

"Oh my god this is so much more work than I'd expected."

I stood infront of the stove watching the pasta finish cooking, double checking all ingredients tasting and improving as I went ahead with it. It was good. I moved on to retrieve the cheese garlic bread from the oven, plating it in a white dish besides the pasta, setting up the living room for the surprise date I was planning for Jungkook. He went home to get some clothes and necessities so we agreed to meet at 8.

Now with the food ready I'd to just get showered and wear the outfit I chose as soon as Jungkook and I made the plan to live together for the next 2 days. The microwave alerted me of popcorn being ready.

I rushed to the living room to complete the semi fort I built out of sheets and pillows, decorating it with fairy lights.

Satisfied with the results I sighed in relief as I regarded the sight infront of me.

I decided to just pick out the wine bottles I bought out the fridge when Jungkook arrived, setting a tiny table I usually used to study as a table to hold our food

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I decided to just pick out the wine bottles I bought out the fridge when Jungkook arrived, setting a tiny table I usually used to study as a table to hold our food. Being foodies was one of the major things that bonded us, and god am I glad someone shares my same passion for food.

I went back to the kitchen to decorate the food board that we'd later have with wine. It must have taken forever but the result looked very instagram worthy.

It was around 7:15 now

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It was around 7:15 now. I practically ran to the bathroom to have a bath and get ready.

 I practically ran to the bathroom to have a bath and get ready

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Looking in the mirror, I started to have second thoughts. Was this too much. Though I always dressed cute, I thought I could dress sexy for the night, I mean no one else but Jungkook will be seeing me tonight right?

It was 7:50, so it was too late to change anyways. The dress reached my mid thighs. So I retrieved two blankets from the storage as it does get chillier.

Going over the last minute details and checking everything, the doorbell rang alerting me of Jungkook's presence. His hair was a little damp indicating him also showering before coming here perhaps. He wore black head to toe which wasn't surprising but still it was hard to take my eyes off him.

He seemed to be having the same problem. Jungkook seemed to be frozen in his spot, careful not to open the door wide enough to see the setup, I slightly pulled him inside his back facing the fort now.His eyes were still on me, his expression still very blank.

"Jungkookie?" I cupped his face stroking it, kissed him on his cheek, he looked at me with such awe it flattered me greatly.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful." He said after a few minutes, his hands reaching out to hold my waist pulling me to him slightly. Now he held my face holding me and pressed his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and languid conveying his awe and shock but also his adoration if it's possible. "You look ethereal, Chaeyoung."

I smiled at him "You look dapper as well." I ran my on his tattoos which were now exposed thanks to his half sleeved shirt. I looked up at him ears all red pretty sure I looked the same way.

Does this ever change?

This high?


"Hmm?" He was smiling at me now, still hugging me to him, pressed a kiss on my forehead before I answered.

"I have a surprise for you. I hope you like it, I really really hope you do. It's my pre birthday gift to you. It doesn't mean I don't have plans for your birthday, but this is sort of a trailer."

I was rambling now out of nervousness. It was now or never besides it covered the living room not like I had a choice.

"Turn around baby"

Jungkook turned around, and I watched his jaw drop. If his reaction on seeing me was priceless this definitely topped it.

Is this was Namjoon calls Jungshook?

I was trying really hard to laugh. Five minutes passed Jungkook still hadn't moved. I had starting to get worried. Overthinking every detail.

Oh my god.

Did I overdo this?

I definitely did.

He's not moving.

He's literally frozen like a statue.

Should I call Jin oppa?

That's stupid and what I say, Oppa I broke your maknae?

"Jungkook I'm sorry is this too muhhh"

I couldn't complete, he had crashed his lips against mine. If the last kiss was soft this was anything but. It was strong, hard and full of desire. The passion of it almost bucked my knees. He tightened his hold on my back, every inch of us was pressed together.
I don't know how long we stood there. We drew away to take a breathe, he joined our foreheads. Still panting from the activity, "You're perfect you know that. I can't express how grateful I am for you. My love for you keeps increasing. Hell I don't want anything for my birthday because god already did me a favour by giving you to me. Pre birthday gift or not, gift or not, even if you didn't do this, you're the girl I'm unabashedly, irrevocably in love with."

"Park Chaeyoung, I love you with with every single part of me I have."

"Jeon Jungkook, you've done everything to deserve this and so much more my love."

We proceeded to enjoy our remainder evening according to our plan, taking a million pictures, and then I sent a few on the gc with the girls.

What followed to the night was something I never planned, but so glad it happened. As every cell of me, every part of my bare skin, that Jungkook kissed and savoured, pleasuring me endlessly through the night, we collapsed over each other basking in the highs it gave us, he pulled a blanket over our entangled naked bodies, the slight light peaking through the curtains telling us it was morning, we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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