Where did the party go? (C16)

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"Keep an eye out she should be meeting us here!" I command standing on my tip toes trying to find my sister. I see her in the corner of my eye and run towards her, my boots making a loud bang every time I take a step.

"RAINE!" I cry throwing my hands around her and hugging her dearly. "Hello Velvet! I'm Margot!" The brunette grins,I pull her into the hug too refusing to let go of either of them. "Vee get of em you're suffocating them!" Gerard states, yanking me off them both. "Nice sign girls, but was it really necessary to call us the Jersey Nerds?" Mikey laughs. "Yeah man, I'm from Chicago!" Bob whines. "Hey girls sorry I took longer SOMEONE left her poor dog!" Ray laughs hugging them both in turns before resting his free hand around my waist.

"Oops." I giggle. "Wheres Frank?" Ray looks around and waves his hand over, Frank then jogs over. "Sorry, I couldn't see you over everyones massive head! Oh my god. YESSS I love that sign so much! Oh hi Im Frank." He introduces himself. "Did Dad and Armor say where they were?" I panic. "They're out at the moment but we've got that party tonight! C'mon you've all got to be tired as fuck, you can stay out ours! Velvet said your manager is sorting your bus so there's no need to worry about." Margot suggests. We all exchange looks and walk out of the airport and jump in Raynes vans.

Within a few minutes, I had curled up against Ray, the world turning into a soft murmur and blurriness as I slowly start to fall aslep.

"Velvet!" Raine whispers. I groan and go to snuggle against Ray but fall onto the floor. "Fuck me man, I yawn, "that hurt a bunch. Where is everyone?" I stand up and clean the dirt off my pants. "They're inside, your dog is so adorable honestly! And Ray talks about you dearly. You two are such a couple, you never told me how long you've been together though. Has it been 6 months or higher?" She rushes. "Ermmm, well I broke up with Mikey last week and I guess I'm dating Ray, so probably 2 days?" I admit sheepishly.

"WHAT, I FIGURED YOU AND MIKEY BROKE UP WHAT I-" She yells, I put my hand over her mouth. "Shussshhh. Mikey and I split up and we're fine with each other. Me and ray did stuff and had a few kisses but we did Waaaayyyy before me and mikey got together." I admit. "BUT don't tell anyone, thats a place we don't want people to know. Promise?" She looks at me with her eyes wide open and blinks atleast 182 times before promising me.

We walk together into her house joking and laughing and she tells me where my suitcase is if I wanna get dressed for the party. I walk up into the room and knock Hesitantly before walking in. Thankfully nobody was in there. I walk in and look around the room, it was a simple pale yellow with butterflies dotted around the room, the bed sheets were yellow with light coloured petals and stems. I grab my suitcase and lay it down and start digging through it to find my formal outfit- just in case.

I slide my right foot in my sparkly grey shoes and stand up to admire my outfit. I do a small twirl laughing loudly, my light grey skirt spinning around me, I stand still and tighten the light pink bow around my waist and flick my hair out of my face. I grin, walking out of the room and closing the door behind me.

I look down as I walk through the hallway and towards the stairs before bumping into someone. "Doesn't someone look hot?" Ray grins, standing up and offering a hand to help me up. "Thank you! You don't look too bad yourself handsome!" I giggle staring into his eyes, I should stop looking into them, I'm going to need a map. He smirks at me and puts his hands on my hip and looks down at me. "Vee, can I?" He inquires. I pull a face, super confused. He leans down and kisses me gently yet passionately. "Aw aren't you two just adorable!" Margot teases, "You know that would make a cute photo let me grab my camera!" She then runs down the hallway.

"I lo- like you Velvet, you and your nutty family are amazing." He grins mischievously. "I like you too, and I erm" I giggle nervously and he leans in and kisses me again with a little more force this time which sent sparks of electric all over my body. He guides his hands up my body before resting his hands on my waist and pulls me in. I slide my hands up his shirt and wrap my arms around the back of his neck and nibble his lip playfully. He groans and pulls me closer to him, in the process he caught me with something hard, which I'm presuming is belt buckle. "You're so hot," I begin moving my head back a little bit. "But" He sighs. "But, My dad and his wife Ellie had just arrived and I don't want him to see me playing tonsil tennis with a guy." I giggle and rub my nose against his and walk down the stairs and see Margot running off.

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