the final authors note....

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Hello everyone, this is so weird to say but I've had to discontinue this story. I'm not enjoying writing it anymore and honestly I can write SO much better than this, I know I can. So with my final words for this story I say goodbye.

However good news! I have decided to completely rip this apart and start a new ray fic, similar to this one. But more accurate and better. The title is still the same but I have decided to change the Point of view so its natural, and shows everyones emotions. And Vee's career has changed but only I know what her future holds.

I have loved every wasted minute of this fanfic rubbish or otherwise, its been a big help in comforting me. In a weird way I will miss it. But I hope to see you in my new fic?

"Keep the faith"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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