Clothes off! (c6)

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Then there was a knock again."Vee its me mikey, please open the door I haven't had a piss all day and i tried getting toast out of the toaster again, and i messed it up...again" I laugh a little and shove billie and Hayley behind the door and open it quickly. "Holy shit honey! You- the room- Im the luckiest guy in the world! But im gonna have to finish this thought in a moment!" He then sprints in to the bathroom and locks the door. "I think I'm gonna go now I think I better go now! Go home!" They sang like mice as they snook out of the room "We love you! let us know what happens!" I close the door with a satisfying click and turn around to see Mikey smirking at me.

"Hey you beautiful, did you do all of this for me?" he speaks softly, never breaking eye contact. He then walks closer to me so i can feel his breath on eyes and i try not to giggle, he then goes to kiss me but i quickly swerve him so he kisses my cheek. "Why did you do that?" He pouts. "Because I made you this lovely picnic and you want to skip to desert!" i scoff. "Well baby im looking at the whole 3 course meal!" he smirks and i roll my eyes smiling and walks over to the bean bags on the floor. "Sooo how was boys day out?" I ask casually. "It was fun for the first hour but by the end of it, it was just me and Ray and it was sssooo awkward." he sighs looking down at his hands. I get off my bean bag and sit directly in front of him and put my finger under his chin so he's looking at me. He smiles at me, looking me up and down. "But my day got better now you're here baby"

That was the last words he said to me before his lips collided with mine, and I kissed him back passionately. "What happened to after dinner my little kitten?" He murmurs against my lips. "Fuck dinner" I whisper back, resting my forehead against his and fluttering my eyes closed and leaned in again. He kissed me again but more passionately, his hand travelled up and down my waist before he pulled me in. I then lean further against him slowly leaning back whilst running my hands through his hair. He then licks my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter and I slowly open my mouth slightly, allowing him to explore my mouth before moving back more so his tongue is where my front teeth are. I start gently nibbling the tip of his tongue.

After a couple of minutes, he breaks the kiss and looks at me mischievously with a lusty look in his eyes. He then scoops me up and throws me on to the bed and lies next to me and starts licking and nibbling my collar bone. I move my hair out of the Way and let out a small soft moan. "Ssshhh i never told you can make noise" he tuts as he puts 2 fingers in my mouth to suck. Mikey then slides my black dress off to reveal my new underwear. "Aw you got new underwear! I fucking love it" he giggles. He then pauses before adding "But it would look better on the floor and im 2 quaters and a heart down on you" I smirk and take his top off and motions for him to take off his pants. He slides his pants down and takes his belt off his pants. "Just in case" He grins cheekily before kissing me again but this time it was a sloppy, hungry kiss. He guides his hands over every curve on my body and stops
in between my thighs and rubs slowly. "Are you sure you want this kitten? Because we can stop right here, right now if that's what you want" Mikey assures me. "No, no i- of course i want to!" I insist.


I put my head on Mikeys chest. "That was....."
"It was wasnt it?"

Before we knew it we had both fallen asleep, exhausted.

"Look alive sunshine!" Mikey whispers shaking me awake. "mmhhmmmm 5 minutes!" I moan.
"Fine but you wont have any of these pancakes"
I jumped out of bed "You said nothing about pancakes before!"
"Well it was going to be a surprise! But you ruined it, plus i found them in this basket case in the kitchen, also whos hayley and B-joe? and why did he call himself bojo? WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!!!" He shouts erratically.
"Yes one of my best friends is Billie joe Armstrong of Green Day, also i take it Hayley left a note, may i read it?" I respond quietly.
"Noooo, it has my name on it look!" He says holding the note above me.
"Ugh you bitch I can't reach, plus don't you have pancakes to be making mister?" I giggle. Ping.
"Oh please tell me thats not the sound of a toaster." I sigh and Mikey looks at me sheepishly. "Errr" he says scratching the back of his head. I walk into the kitchen and take out the pancakes and put them on the chopping board and jump back into bed.

"For m'lady" he chirps as he passes me a tray with pancakes, apple juice and a cup of tea. "How many tea spoons of sugar is in this?" I ask suspiciously. "2 and and half" "god i love you Mikey fucking Way" I smile and I peck his lips. "Why dont you join me in bed?" I add. "Oh go on then!" He smirks and climbs into bed next to me and eats his breakfast too. "So how was your day out with Billie and Hayley?" He enquires. I hold out my finger to say one minute. "It was good thank you! Sorry i was eating. we did some shopping, gossiped,sang, yknow the usual." I say casually. Mikey nodded his head pretending to understand. "Was i mentioned yesterday?"

"Well duhhh!! Remember the fight between you and ray, it only happened yesterday" I exclaim and Mikey gets out of bed and starts grabbing his clothes "oh shit i said too much, Mikey wait, please!" "I won't fucking wait, I can't believe you heard that! Oh my god!" He sat down and burried his head in his hands. "Im so sorry Vee, you, i-" He cries, he then breaks down into tears and i run over and hug him. "Please don't cry, Mikey please, I promise you nothing happened between us! I promise you on my dads life!" I sob. He removes his hands away from his face and kisses me but I move backwards and starts to cry harder. "Whats up Vee?" He asks quietly. "I-I-I can't do this anymore Mikey, I love you so much and thats what makes this harder. We have an odd relationship, we always have but its too much!" I stutter. "Where are you going with this Velvet" He murmurs.

"I need a break from us, I dont know of its going to be permanent, I'm under so much pressure. I might even quit the band." Mikey looks at me sadly, his fringe covering his face. "Vee please-" He sobs "I need you, the band needs you, but if thats what you want I better get going. But please PLEASE don't give up on any of us, because the only hope for us is you." He adds,grabbing some of his things. "See you on the bus."

Also shout out to the bitch who said she would write smut for me but never did.

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