Chapter 15: Wedding Dress

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I AM INCREDIBLY SORRY GUYS!! I HAVENT WRITTEN IN A VERYW VERY VERY VERY LONG TIME AND IM JUST SORRY. You see, here in my country it was summer. I kinda left wattpad aside cause u know what? I wanted to spend time with my family. I love them very much and I almost never get to see them.
I Actually got the chance to see my cousin who lives in another country. We had so much fun together and we talked about our lifes and our wattpad stories and all that. We had made our agreedments and made decisions  about this story.
Sooo yeah. Summer's over so that means more routine. (*sarcasm* Yayyy....) Im trying to catch up with the story cause if i dont catch up my cousin cant write and the story is behind. AND I KNOW U DONT WANT THAT!!!!
Also btw, I WANNA SEE FROZEN FEVER AND CINDERELLA SO BADLY, BUT ITS NOT HERE IN MY COUNTRY YET OR WHATEVER U CALL IT. Also, I wanna see insurgent. Im reading the third book already so yeah im a fan.
Ok lemme shut my mouth and LES START!!!

Jack never left his room for the entire evening.
Everybody knew he wasn't fine, but he was really bad.
The wedding was supposed to happen in a few hours, but he couldn't do anything. Pitch might have the castle surrounded by guards and his shadows. And besides, what was the point in doing that? Elsa hated him for no reason, and she didn't remember anything that had happened in the last few months. If they made it to the wedding, Elsa would still marry Hans.
Jack knew that. He knew that he had learned to love her in a pretty short period of time. It seemed impossible but it was real. His love was real. But it didn't matter anyway. His love (his great love) didn't matter to Elsa. It didn't matter anymore to him.
There was a knock on the door that alarmed Jack. Since he didn't answer the door, it opened anyway, revealing Hiccup
H-Hey bud. (Closes door)
J- Hey...
H-I'm not gonna ask how u feeling, 'cause I know you ain't fine.
J- I just.... I don't know what's happening to me. Everytime I think of her, I smile.
H- Maybe you like the thought of her.
J- Yeah but it's not just that. Like, when she looks at me and shows of her smile, my cheeks get all warmed up.
H- Maybe she makes u nervous.
J- Ok, but there's more. When she hugs me, or when I see her happy or sad or when I know that she is here with me...... I feel this weird sensation all over my body and my stomach and... It breaks me. It breaks me to think that she doesn't remember anything. She doesnt remember that time when we talked near her balcony, when I rescued her, when she hugged me, when she cried on my shoulder, when I screamed for her to come out....When I told her I would be there for her. She forgot everything in 5 seconds without the chance to defend herself. It's breaking me Hiccup. It's breaking me so hard that I think I'm gonna die if she's not here. Hiccup, what's wrong with me? Why can't I just let her go, when I keep feeling she's not fine?
H- Ok, well there are only two options that might describe what is happening to you. The first one is that you have a fart stuck deep in your stomach and its making you feel weird things on your stomach, that's raising your temperature and that is making you happy.
J- (laughs)
H- And the second one is that you have a severe case of love. You love her, Jack.
J- But how? We met not long ago.
H- Love is strange at times. Listen, Elsa and I have known eachother since we were children, but it took nine years to realize I liked her. Elsa makes you feel that way. Astrid makes me feel that way. Its love Jack that makes us feel weird and akward and inlove. It's a strange and weird and unpredictable feeling that we don't understand. But it's ok. This (pokes his heart) is ok. You don't have to understand everything, because this (points at brain) doesn't understand.
J- I'm inlove...
H- Yes.
Jack smiles, but then his smile fades.
J-But what's the point anyway. She is over there and I am here.
H- Then we will rescue her, the way we have been doing for these past months over and over and over again. We have and we will do it again if necessary. Because it's love.
Jack smiles so big, and then tears start streaming from his eyes. Happy tears. It all made sense now. Everything he felt was love because... it just was. He didn't have to understand it because there was nothing to understand. It was all just a feeling.
They hug eachother.
J- Thank you Hiccup.
H- Pleasure.
J- Sorry about hitting you. I was just-
H- Forget about it. (In his thoughts: I should be thanking you, my friend. You made me realize what I have feared was true: that Elsa is long gone. She is yours and you are hers. This is pure love. And I know that when I get home, there will be someone who will be mine as well).
Elsa's P.o.V:
Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow I would be the wife of a man who is the one for me. Hans will be mine and I will be hers.
Father is so proud of me. He is a good man, besides his scary appearance.
But why do these two characters who I am supposed to know by heart are so distant and strange? I should remember how Hans and I met or our first date or times when I played with my father as an infant. But I can't remember any of that. I should be inlove with Hans, and I should care about Father. But it is hard to remember when everything is rushed. I need time to remember, but there is no time. I might just have to trust what they say.
The door opens revealing my handsome Hans. I look at him and smile, and he gets closer to me until he wraps his hands around my face and rests his chin on my neck.
Hans- That is a lovely dress.
"Beth"- Yeah, but they say that it's bad luck for the groom to see the dress. (Touches the fabric of the dress in front of her)
Hans- I am just waiting for the moment to see you without it.
I get a little nervous, because he starts kissing my neck. I don't stop him, but I start hessitating when I see him try to unzip my dress, which he accomplishes. But before he starts taking it off, I back away from him, zipping my dress.
Hans- Forgive me darling. I got carried away. I'm sorry if I offended you.
"Beth" -Just...Forget about it.
Hans comes closer and kisses me hard. He has a strong grip, but it doesn't bother me.
We separate.
Hans- I love you beth.
"Beth"- I love you too.
Hans starts walking towards the door, but before he opens it, he says.
Hans- Just so you know, you look really sexy (winks at me and closes the door)
The kiss remimded me of someone. Of maybe not the kiss itself but what I was supposed to be feeling. I was suposed to be inlove with the way he kissed me, but I am not. Hans kisses hard and cold and its not a good kiss. But why am I feeling that there is someone that is making me feel...inlove?
One thing is for certain. I am not inlove with Hans. There was someone else.
Someone else that I love.
But I might never know who that person is.

Jack Frost. I remember him.


Author's note:
Ok, if u didn't get the ending, Elsa is remembering little by little. YAAAAAAAAASSS!
Again, sorry for not updating in a while, so yeahhhh.
I'm telling my update to my cousin right now so we can go on.
I love u all and STAY PEACEFUL!!

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