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Well, guys it was my cousin's turn to write a chapter, so i am just re-writting what she wrote!! There are some parts of this chapter that i will SIGHTLY change, just to make em better for the story. But overall, she writes great!

Well, here it is! Love y'all!


Elsa's P.o.V:

I felt way better after talking to North. I mean, I was still scared about the fact that Pitch was my "creator" as you can call it, but I had stuff way clearer on my mind. But as we were heading towards the door, something terrible happened: North fell to the floor!

«In North's office»

Elsa ran up to North, holding his head and checking his pulse. He was breathing. But she wasn't sure at all about what happened to North, so she screamed at the top of her lungs for help.


Everyone that was outside ran inside to see what had happened.

Jack saw Elsa's worried expression and ran to her in a hurry.

Jack- Elsa!! (kneels next to north) What the frost happened to North!!!

Elsa- I don't know! He fainted out of nowhere!!

Jack- But how.....

Suddenly Jack feels dizzy and faints right next to Elsa.

Elsa- JACK!! (kneels between the two of them).

Elsa checks their pulse. She lets out a long breath of relief. They were fine.

Anna- Elsa, what happened!?!

(Elsa stands up)

Elsa- I really don't know. It isn't a coincidence, really. They fainted at the same time.

Kristoff- you think it was intentional?

Elsa- (sighs) maybe.

Anna- But how? You were the only one in the room

Elsa- It doesn't necesarily have to be someone who is close to them...

Kristoff- Have someone in mind?

Elsa thought about it for a second. It couldn't be a mortal, since mortals almost never had powers. But who could do something like that?

Suddenly, someone came into her mind.

Elsa- Pitch.

Anna- you are right!

Kristoff- makes sense. He wants to get rid of the guardians to get on with whatever he is trying to do.

Elsa- so, that means that the other guardians have fainted too!

Anna- Well, what do we do now? The only ones strong enough to fight pitch were them!

Elsa- We have to find other guardians....

Kristoff- But who???

Elsa and Anna remembered at the same time, a group of young teenagers that defended the world.

Anna and Elsa- THE BIG FOUR!!!

A/n: Hey guys! Never expected THAT, huh? If you don't know who the big four are, just search it up in Youtube or Wattpad, and you'll find out. Listen up! This is a marathon!! It continues! Kay? Hope ya'll like it!!!


(CONTINUES.... ----->)

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