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A/N: Hello, everyone! ITS PEACE_FOREVER HERE!

Okay, I know u guys may hate me 4 not uploading any sooner, and I have a lot of reasons why. But im just gonna shut myself up and say im sorry! I know i already apoligized, but i really am! CAN U FORGIVE MMEEEEE!???

I hope u can!

To get straight to the point, lets just say that elsa is already with Rapunzel and Eugene, okay? Just so i dont get into much detail...

Anywhoooo! I love yall and PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEEEEEEHHHH!!


Jack's P.o.V:

I dont know for how long I had been unconcious, but I just know that it had been a lot. My head was hurting terribly, and I seriously had no idea why, but it just did and A LOT! God, i should take a pill or something later on...

I tried to stand up from the big matress I was apparently sleeping on, but I inmediatly regreted it, because my legs felt suddenly weak, causing me to fall to the ground.

Ughhhh! Why were my legs useless at a moment like this!

Luckly, my arms had a lot more force, so I used all my strenght to finally lift myself up. I had to know what had happened when I was unconcious.

I grabbed my staff and used it for balance, because I was still very weak, eventhough I had managed to finally stand up. I slowly opened the door of my dormitory, and looked around: apparently, everyone had lefr pretty quickly, because everything was splattered all around the floor. There was medicines and a pack of ice in the table, apparently for me.

I got out of the room, and started walking around the room. That's when I saw Anna, soundly sleeping on one of North's seat. I got close to her. She looked so tired. I guess she was the one taking care of me.

But I really need some answers. She needs to wake up NOW.


Jack started shaking Anna so that she would wake up, but it was no use: she was COMPLETLY asleep.

Jack, in a desperate attempt to wake her up, started shaking her even harder, until she slowly opened her eyes.
Anna- Whaaaaa???....
Jack- Anna, wake up.
Anna- (stretches) Okay, I'm awake. (stands up from chair) Good you're finally awake Jack. You had slept for about... I dunno, 3 days?
Jack- 3 DAYS!?!

Anna inmediatly put a hand over Jack's mouth to shut him up.
Anna- Shhh! North is still sleeping.
Jack- (lowers voice) Oh. Sorry then.
Anna- (sighs) It's fine as long as you don't wake him up. He had a tough night.
Jack- You mean he's still unconcious?
Anna- No. He woke up a long time ago. He just had a hard night. He kept on moving, and he kept on blabbering ranbom stuff, like " he's here" or " we're not safe". I am a bit concerned about that.
Jack- Poor North. Oh, wait I had to ask you something.
Anna- Sure. What is it?
Jack- Where did everybody go?
Anna- Elsa and Kristoff went off to Scotland to find Merida..
Jack- Merida? As in, summer guardian Merida?
Anna- Yeah. But they haven't come back ever since.
Jack- Oh no! Elsaaaaa...
Anna- are you worried about.... Elsa?

Jack looks at her in embarrasment. He starts blushing.
Anna- Oh my snow! You like...!!

Jack put his hand over Anna's mouth to shut her up.
Jack- It.. It isn't that way...!
Anna- (pulls hand away from mouth) I'm not an idiot, Jack! You... LOVE HER!
Jack- I DO NOT!!
Anna- Oh you do!!
Jack- I.... Okay. Maybe I do...
(author's note: OH MY FLIPPING GOOOODDDD!!!!)
Anna- (shrieks) (hugs Jack) I'M SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU TWOOOOO!!!
Jack- (pulls away) DON'T TELL ELSA ABOUT THIS! I still don't know if she.. feels the same way.
Anna- Jack, I know her better than anyone, and she's totally giving me signs.
Jack- You... You think so?
Anna- of course.
Jack- Do you promise, though?
Anna- I pinkie promise. (holds out pinkie)
Jack- (chuckles) pinkie promise, I guess. (holds out pinkie as well and wraps it around Anna's firmly, then letting go)

Suddenly, they start hearing cracks on the roof. The sky suddenly turned gray.. and they heard the laugh of...
Jack- PITCH!
Anna- What?!
Jack- He's here!!
Pitch- Oh, I'm so happy to see you too, Jacky.

Anna and Jack slowly turn around. And find Pitch standing right behind them.

Jack quickly blast ice at him, but Pitch is quicker, and doesn't get shot.
Jack- Anna, take North somewhere safe!
Anna- I'm not leaving you here!
Jack- JUST GO!
Anna- Jack..
Pitch- You bettet do what he says, beautiful. This is between him and me. Unless you want to jump in the party..
Anna- YOU DISGUSTING BASTARD! (spits at pitch)

Pitch, angrily, cleans the place where the spit was.
Pitch- Oh, you got it, beautiful.

Before Pitch starts using his dark magic on Anna, Jacks blasts ice right on Pitch's eyes, blurring is sight.
Jack- GO, ANNA! GO!!

This time, Anna does what Jack says and runs to North's room to wake him up. When she does, she looks around the workshop to find the emergency exit North had. She used Sven, who was now extremely scared, and left. But before she left, she wrapped a paper around Luna's collar.
Anna- Go find Elsa and Kristoff. Tell them we need their help. Go, my beautiful! Go!

And with that, Luna left. She was smart, and could track Elsa and Kristoff's scent.

Anna left, with some money and a sleeping North, leaving Jack, alone to fight.


Elsa and Kristoff were on their way back. Rapunzel was absolutly sure that she wanted to go with them, since Jack was, as she had said, part of the group, and we couldn't leave him behind. Eugene had come too, and Elsa was very gratefull as well. As for Merida and Hiccup, they became worried about Jack, and if he were safe or not.

That question kept on running around Elsa's mind, until Rapunzel's voice brought her back to Earth.
Rapunzel- Elsa?
Elsa- huh? Oh sorry, what is it?
Rapunzel- Are you okay? You seem a bit distracted recently.
Elsa- No, no. It's nothing really.
Rapunzel- Cousin, I know something's bothering you. Are you worried about... Jack?
Elsa- Well.. I.. (sighs) yes. He has been there for me all throughout this past days, and I'm just worried that... he may be in trouble and I'm not able to be there for him...
Rapunzel- Oh, Elsa. You have done a lot for Jack. Knowing Jack, he is strong enough for anything. Trust me: he is fine.
Elsa- (sighs) You're right. He is.

Hiccup's P.o.V:

Elsa seems to be really worried about Jack... Why am I feeling so.. weird? It has been a year since our breakup, but I can't help feeling like if it was yesterday, when we were kids and played outside the kingdom. Gosh, those were very good times. But... Is Elsa having feelings towards Jack? Jack is one of my best friends, and Elsa is still a very special person to me. It feels weird having both of them so close to eachother.... Wait, what am I saying!?? I'm dating Astrid! I love her a lot, and why am I worrying about whether they like eachother or not? They deserve to be happy.... do they?....


Hiccup had taken two other dragons from Berk to take Rapunzel, Eugene, Kristoff and Elsa. Kristoff was riding with Eugene, and they seemed to be getting along just fine. Rapunzel and Elsa shared a dragon, and they used the time to catch up on everything they hadn't been able to share. They hadn't seen eachother since Elsa's coronation, (author's note: its REAL! SHE APPEARS ON THE MOVIEEEEE!!!!) so they were glad fate had brought them sometime together.
Merida- Hey, Kristoff! Do you know where the workshop might me? I don't see it anywhere...
Kristoff- What? It's supposed to be here! (looks down)
Elsa- I don't see it!
Eugene- How can it disappear out of nowhere? It doesn't have legs or arms to move, right?
Rapunzel- Wait! I see something over there! (points downward)
Hiccup- Let's make a landing! Everybody, NOW!

The three dragons had landed right on to spot Rapunzel had pointed out, only to find...


MUAHAHAHHA! I'm soo evil! Not really though...

What do you think happened to Jack? And what do you think about Hiccup's jealousy, or the chemistry between Jack and Elsa? Let me know in the coments!!

Stay tunned for next chapter, and check out my cousin's book. (una casualidad puede ser el destino. Sofiiti)

Love y'all! PEACE_FOREVER.

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