Chapter 13: Who am I?

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Elsa woke up in the middle of the night, in her ice castle. Well, it didn't seem hers anymore, since now instead of being a shade of light blue, just like the color of ice, it faded into a dark shade of black. But she had no way of knowing she was in her castle, or that she was in a castle at all. In fact, she didn't remember anything: Jack, Hiccup, Rapunzel... nothing. You know why? Because..

Pitch: Oh my sweet little Beth!!

"Beth" turned to look at Pitch, who was standing in front of her with his arms open. He hugs her, and she looks at him confused. He separates the hug seconds later.

"Beth": Who are you?

Pitch: My you don't remember. I'M YOUR FATHER!!

"Beth": My father?

Ptch: (laughs) Yes dear. I have saved you from Jack Frost

"Beth": Who is he? What did he do?

Pitch: He almost killed you, dear!! Thank god, you're not dead. 

"Beth": Father, I promise I will catch him and this will all be over.

Pitch: Sure you would.


Hans gets closer to her and kisses her

Hans: Are you okay?

"Beth": yes... And you are?

Hans: I'm your fiance!! We were gonna get married next month, but now I think we should get married as soon as posible, before anything happens.

"Beth": YES!! (kisses him)

Pitch: Beth, I know that you're going to be happy with Hans, and you will defeat Jack Frost

"Beth": I promise. But father: who is he really?

Pitch: He is........

A/N: dum dum DUUUUUUM!!!! Short chapter, I know, but this was just a fill in chapter, okay? Next one will be longer, okay?  Love y'all sooooo mewwwwch!!!! LOOOOOOOVEEEEEE Y'ALLL MUACK!!!!


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