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A/N:Well, here it is, guys! The answer is finally here! YAAAYYY!! OKAY, STOP ALL THE TALKING, AND GET TO THE WRITTING!




The 4 walked inside. North's workshop was just like they invisioned it: CHAOTIC.The were yetis working everywhere, testing out the toys they had constructed. The elf were busy goofing around and trying to catch all of the flying, jumping even squeaking toys that were spread almost everywhere around the room. Even with alk the chaos going around, North acted pretty calm. Guess he was used to this chaos.

As North led the way for Elsa, Anna, Jack and Kristoff, North often stopped by to see what the Yetis where doing.

north: I don't like that color. Make it red. (keeps walking)

yeti: (makes frustrated sound) (looks at the docen robots he painted blue)

North finally got to his office, and he opened the door for the 4 to get in.

elsa: wow, north! you have a very pretty office!

jack: You kept it the same, right North?

jack and North: (laugh)

kristoff: oh my frost! this is just beautiful! (stares in amazement at North's train and train tracks made entirely of ice) I have never seen anyone make THIS out of ice!!!

north: (laughs) You have some good taste there, boy!

Anna, Kristoff, Elsa, Jack and North sat around North's desk.

north: okay, so now my question is: what are you doing here?

Anna: glad you asked, North. Well you see.. uh.. Emm.. Elsa? Can you explain it?

Elsa: Okay, fine. Listen North. The sky has been dark for the whole afternoon and.

north: afternoon?! (checks watch)

elsa: yes, it is the afternoon.

north: But... how

jack: i think I can explain. I have a suspicion. It may not be truth, but I think it could be a possibility.

north: I think i know what you mean.

jack: (sighs) yes. I think its Pitch.

North suddenly stands up and starts walking around the room.

north: Well... you are not wrong. Pitch is indeed VERY alive.


north: because he stole this from Tooth, and brought it here.

North hold out his hand and reveals a golden tube where supposedly a teeth is in. On the bottom, there is a face: Elsa's face.

Elsa: is that my..

north: (sighs) yes, Elsa. Its your teeth.

jack: but what does that have to do with Elsa? How do Pitch and her connect?

Anna, clearly not understanding, stands up and breaks the conversation.

anna: okay, i am not getting it. Who is Pitch, and why does he want? Why did he steal that from the tooth fairy?Well i think it is the tooth fairy. And why does it have my sister's tooth in it?!

north: okay fine! I'll explain! Pitch is an evil spirit who terrorises children because of his anger towards them for not believing in him. We had a very big conflict with him last year, because he was trying to take away  the children's joy and happiness and replace them with fear and sadness. That same year Jack showed much bravery, and helped us defeat him. But, now there is a huge chance that he might have survived the attack.

IT COULD BE DESTINY...♥ (jelsa fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now