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Jack's P.o.V.

Since we defeated Pitch, the guardians decided to give me some time to rest. North had said that being a guardian was a lot of work and a lot of effort, and that since I was new to this guardian thing, I should rest.

Well, better for me.

I had been visiting this little kingdom called Arendelle for a while now. You see, It seems like the ruler of that kingdom has the same powers as me, because at least half of the kingdom's ground is frozen. And I saw a walking, talking , LIVING snowman. But that is not possible: that ruler is supposed to be inmortal, like me. And they should believe in him/her so that he/she can rule.

But i am still hoping. Still hoping to find someone like me that has my same powers.

Oh, and you should check out his ice castle! He/she hasn't come back in a while now, so I mostly took over his castle and kinda made it mine.

I just hope that if he ever returns, he doesn't ger mad at me for using his ice castle.

Wait, what is that thing in the distance? It's.. it's a girl!! Oh, she seems to

be in trouble! I gotta save her!....

《In the castle》

Jack flied up to Elsa who looked unconcious. He didn't know who she was or what was she doing in that place, but he knew 2 things:

1. She was incredibly beautiful and

2. That she wasn't cold. Even through the snow storm

Jack picked her up and flew up to the castle. She put her in a bed and tried to cure her injuries. Then, she let her rest.

When Elsa woke up, she was in her ice castle.

Elsa: where am I ?

Jack: Oh, good! You are finally up, sleepy head! Gosh, you have slept for 2 hours!!

Elsa: you haven't answered my question

Jack: you're in my ice castle

Elsa: WHAT?!

Elsa looked around, recognizing her castle.

Elsa: this is MY ice castle!!! I built it myself!!!

Jack: Okay fine! It's your ice castle. I guess I have lived in it for a while... Wait, what do you mean by you built it?

Elsa: It's a long story, and why should I tell you? You have been living in my castle for God knows how long! Do you know the word "trespassing"?

Jack: Well, I get it! And I guess we started on the wrong foot. Let me introduce myself: I am Jack Frost

Elsa: Elsa... Wait, you are Jack Frost?!

Jack starts noticing that Elsa can see him, so he realizes she believes in him.

Jack: You can see me?

Elsa: Yes. My parents used to tell me stories about you when I was little and I have grown with the desire to know you. I guess because I thought we were similar.

Jack looks at her, confused.

Jack: Similar? Similar in what?

Elsa wonders if she should show him her powers. She stands up from the bed and starts forming a snowball with her hands. She tossed it in the air and it creates snow in the room. Jack watches her, amazed.

Jack: YOU HAVE ICE POWERS! LIKE ME! HOW?! Wait, is this what you meant when you said you built the castle by yourself?!

Elsa: Yes, exactly! I was born with my powers, and at first, I couldn't control them. But as time went on, I finally learned how to control them.

I built this castle when I was thinking of living by myself, but then the guards caught me and sent me back to Arendelle. After Hans, a prince who is a traitor and is now in prison, tried to kill me to rule over my kingdom, I became a queen again and decided to live and rule Arendelle.

Jack: Oh, so YOU are the ruler of Arendelle! I kinda thought it was a man...

Elsa: Excuse ME?!? What do you have against women?!

Jack: Nothing!! (nervous laugh)

Elsa: Mmhm..... Hey, I always wanted to know. How did you get your powers?

Jack's smile quickly fades after remembering his past

Jack: Well... It's also a long story

Elsa: I am willing to listen to it. (smiles)

Jack smiles back

Jack: Okay. Well, It started when I was a boy. I don't know in what era did I live on, but whatever. I was always a playfull guy; I was always making jokes and playing tricks on my little sister and the kids on my village. But I always made sure that my sister was safe. I could do jokes to entertain her, but I was always keeping an eye on my sister. We were really close.

But one day, I decided to take my sister to a frozen lake to teach her how to ice skate. Our mother said to be careful, and I knew we were. As we stepped towards the center of the lake, the ice started cracking under our feet. My sister was wearing skates, so the ice under her feet was cracking even faster than mine. It was a matter of seconds before one of us fall under the lake. My sister waa terrified; I had to save her somehow.

I looked around and found my staff (raises staff) and used it to pull my sister from her waist to the other side of the lake. We started laughing, but as I was starting to get close to my sister, the ice cracked and I fell underwater. The moon pulled me up and gave me ice powers. And now, I am a guardian. I protect the children.

Elsa listened carefully, and when he ended...

Elsa: Oh, Jack. I'm sorry (stands up and hugs him)

Jack blushed and hugged her back

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