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Elsa's P.o.V:

A guy like Jack never, EVER in my entire life made me feel the way I am feeling right now. I was always so cold with every guy that tried to get my attention, that I never expected him to be that way with me. He is really... someone special. But i still don't know what to make of him..

Why do I hear knocks on the door?

《In the castle》

Elsa quickly stood up when she heard the knocks.

"Emmm... " said Jack, with a bit of embarrasment in his voice " You.. you should open"

"Yeah, I am going to" said Elsa. " I'll be right back" said Elsa. Before she left, she added " Don't spy on me, please"

"No, of course not" he answered. But, of course, he didn't obey her; he flew on top of her head without her noticing and steadied himself at the roof of the castle, looking as Elsa got closer to the gigantic ice door.

Elsa was kind of hesitant to open it at first, but then she opened it, and saw Anna and Kristoff standing in front of her.

Elsa: Anna?!? What are you doing here?!?

Anna: Nice to see you too, sis (makes her way inside with Kristoff)

Elsa: Anna, didn't you see my note? Don't you trust me anymore?!

Anna: Calm down. This is way more urgent. But I gotta ask, why did you even want to be here?

Jack suddenly appears flying.

Jack: Elsa, who are they?

Kristoff: Umm, Elsa?

Anna: Oh, so this is why you left...

Elsa: Anna, no! Please, I would never do something if it didn't have a serious purpose.

Anna gets closer to Jack, ignoring Elsa.

Anna: Anna (stretches hand) your girlfriend's sister.

Jack: Well, delighted!

Elsa: Anna , he is not my boyfriend. He saved me from a terrible fall, and brought me here.

Anna: suuureeee... So anyway, what is your name?

Jack: Jack. Jack Frost.

Kristofg suddenly looks surprised and excited at the same time by the mention of that name.

Kristoff: Jack Frost?!? THE JACK FROST!?! the one that freezes our lakes and brings all the snow. Oh god is an HONOR! You are the reason of why I have a job! (stretches hand hardly)

Jack: (talks painfully) Well. nice. to. meet. you.

Elsa leaves the two alone while she drags Anna towards her room.

Elsa: Anna, can you tell my now why..

Anna: (interrupts) Gosh, sis he is PRETTY! I have seen the way he looks at you! Its OBVIOUS he has a thing with you!! Gosh, you got really lucky this time!

Elsa: You think so??...WAIT, WHAT AM I SAYING?! okay, anna, why the freezenuts are you here?

Anna: Okay, Elsa if you didn't knwo it is actually 1:30pm RIGHT NOW! What i am here for, is because something, or someone pitch-blacked the whole sky! You have to help us!

Elsa: Is this another one of your jokes, because really, it isn't funny!

Anna: I am serious!

Elsa: Okay, well if it IS actually 1:30, then who ELSE should we ask help to?

Jack appears out of nowhere.

Jack: The guardians.

A/N: Well, here it is! Sorry if it took so long. It is originally longer, but I had to make it a little shorter. Upload next part soon! Love y'all.


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