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Anna's P.o.V:

I woke up with a huge blob of saliva dripping from my mouth. My eyes were still closed and my hair was a huge mess. It looked like I had put bubblegum all over my hair.

I suddenly decided to reach for my bedside table when I felt a piece of paper that clearly wasn't there the night before. I grabbed it with my hand and my eyes finally decided to open. It was a note. From Elsa.

"Oh, god" I inmediatly thought, but I read it anyway.

When I finished reading the note, I inmediatly started panicking and asking myself:

What does she mean by "don't look for me"? Why was she in the ice castle? Was she coming back? Was this all happening all over again?

《In Anna's bedroom》

Anna quickly got out of bed and got ready in less than 5 min. Anna was terrified. Terrified that this would happen. That everything that happened a year ago would happen again: Elsa running away, being unable to control her fears, hurting her again, being in danger from someone once more... she had so many resons to be scared, that no matter what Elsa wanted. Anna was her sister and she wanted to know if something was wrong. But Anna was probably overreacting on the other hand. In the note, Elsa mentioned where she was, and that she was coming back. So, why was this suddenly a big deal for Anna?

She wondered what time it was, so she took her pocket watch and opened it. She couldn't believe what she saw: It was 12:00 pm!

"What the snowball?" she said. She thought that probably someone had changed her time. But when she stepped outside on the balcony, it was pitch black (oohhh spoiler alert!!).

Why was it so dark outside, when it was supposed to be 12:00pm? Anna started freaking out, well again!

this is not normal, mother nature! she thought its not NORMAL!!!

This wasn't normal at all. Anna couldn't think about Elsa anymore: the sky was turning black. Maybe she had something to do about it, but Elsa had the powers of snow, ice and even frost. Not darkness.

Kristoff Anna thought. Kristoff should be the one who knows about this kind of stuff. I will just go ask him.

Anna was way too busy packing everything that was necessary for the long trip, that she didn't notice Selma, her servant, had came into Anna's room to see what was all this commotion about.

Selma: Your majesty! What are you doing up so early? And where is queen Elsa?

Anna: First of all, Elsa left to the ice castle for a few days. I am leaving too, because second of all, It is actually 12:00pm and I want to find Kristoff to see what is this all about.

Selma: What? (checks watch) oh you are right! Well, then who is going to take care of the kingdom until your return?

Anna thought about it, and finally with a heavy heart, she said.

Anna:(sighs) tell Olaf.

Selma: oh, no.

Anna: I know. But I am truly desperate at this moment, and he is the only one available. Please inform him

Selma: of course, your majesty (leaves)

Anna left her room and opened the castle gates (which were never locked again, just like Elsa promised). She went to the stables and woke up Sven, which was now sleeping in the castle. He was a bit grumpy, but then he agreeded to take her to Kristoff's house. Well, Sven always agreeded on anything related to Kristoff. Anna hopped on Sven and they rode off.

As they were heading towards Kristoff's house, Anna started to worry. The sky was still dark, but this time , the clouds were crowded in one place and lightning in the shade of black started to appear. I just hope Kristoff has an answer for this thought Anna.

When they finally got to Kristoff's house, Anna hopped off Sven and screamed with all her might.


Kristoff: woahhh!! (falls out of bed) (breaks a lamp)

Kristoff opened the door.

Kristoff: (yawns) Anna?! what are you doing here so early?

Anna: Early? ITS ALMOST 1:00PM!!

Kristoff: Oh, come on Anna! You are such a liar.

Anna: Well, then check your watch!

Kristoff: Fine! (goes back inside) ( checks watch) (comes back outside)


Anna: what is soo funny?!

Kristoff: why did you change my time?

Anna: Kristoff, I just got here!!!

Kristoff: Oh..... so its really 1:00pm?

Anna: YES!!!

Kristoff: Then why is it soo dark? Do you think your sister has something to do with it?

Anna: No, i doubt it. She doesn't have darkness powers. But I thought you could help me figure it out.

Kristoff: Well, I have never seen anything like this. Not even close. Wait, where is your sister right now?

Anna: She left to the ice palace for a few days. Why?

Kristoff: Because that is exactly where we are going to go. Maybe Elsa can help us.

Anna: But...

Anna was going to continue, when she heard a malicious and evil laughter spreading from the clouds. A black sand  started spreading throughout the sky .


Kristoff: I think we're about to find out..,

A/N : What will happen next?!? Coment if you want me to write more. Share and coment if u like it. Stay tunned for more JELSA FANFICTION!!



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