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Kristoff apparently looked confused, because Anna looked and Kristoff and askes Elsa to tell him the story of the big four.

Elsa- The big four were a group of teens that defended the world from possible threats. Each of them had a season, and they controlled it the way they wanted. Merida was the guardian of summer. I met her a few months ago when her parents came to Arendelle for ship transfer. Rapunzel is the guardian of spring. She is my long lost cousin. Apparently her hair was once long and beautiful, but she had to cut it off for the protection of her husband.

Her husband is not considered a guardian, but he helps her. Hiccup is the guardian of the fall. He was a really close person to me once, but he had to leave to his homeland, Berk. It was... a childish love, I suppose, but we haven't talked ever since. And.... Jack... (kneels next to Jack and runs her fingers through his hair) I knew everything about him, but I just met him a couple of days ago. He is the guardian of winter. He was part of the big four before he joined guardians. They separated and have never met again.

Elsa stayed there for a minute, staring at Jack and running her hand through his hair. The time that they had stayed together was one of the best times of her life. Jack had never made her feel this special. He had been there for her through this whole experience, and she was incredibly grateful for it.

But then, she stumbled into reality and stood up.

Kristoff- Well, so the plan is for us to reunite them again so that they can help us defeat Pitch.

Anna- Any idea of were they are?

Elsa- I think merida is still in scotland. Rapunzel is in Arendelle with Flynn, Hiccup must be in Berk and, well Jack is here.

Kristoff- Where should we go to first?

Anna- I guess Merida's place.

Elsa- Great. Someone has to stay here with these two if anything new happens.

Anna- Guess I could stay.

Kristoff- It's settled then.

Elsa- wish us luck.

Anna- You won't need it.

While Anna and Kristoff were saying their "goodbyes", Elsa kneeled closer to Jack and kissed him in the cheek.

"good bye" she whispered.

Then, they took their stuff and left.

And Jack was laying on the floor, grinning happily.


Elsa and Kristoff took a boat to get to scotland. Elsa paid the captain if the boat a few golden coins so he could let them in.

It was dark, but Elsa couldn't sleep. There was too much going on in her mind. She was worried about Jack. About how he was doing and if he was going to be allright. She cared a lot about him. She didn't know if this plan was going to work, or if they were going to accept. But she couldn't back away now. She has to take the risk if she wanted to save her friends.

She was staring at the sky. It was a beautiful night: it seemed like the stars where shinning brighter than ever. She really enjoyed looking at the sky. It was one of the only thing that she could look at from the window of her dormitory. It was one of the only things that would make her smile when she was sad. That and Jack.

Suddenly, Elsa saw a dark figure flying next to the moon. Was that... A dragon? Everyone who was on the ship noticed it too. The figure let out a giant roar that woke up everyone that was sleeping. Kristoff ran closer to Elsa, who was busy staring at the figure who was getting closer to the boat.

Kristoff- WHAT IS THAT!?!?

But Elsa couldn't answer Kristoff's question, because the figure that now was easily identified as a dragon was now beside the boat. The light of the moon showed the body of two familiar faces that were sitting on the dragon. One of them had long hair with a bunch of red curls. The other one had messy brown hair and a soft expression in her face. He was holding out his hand so that Elsa could take it.


Hiccup- hop on, snowflake!

Elsa took Hiccup's hand and hopped on to Toothless's back. Merida then helped Kristoff hop on too. Then, the four of them flew away from the boat.

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