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Okay, here we go! LOVE YA, MY PANDAS!


Elsa's P.o.V:

After I saw my memories, I threw the tube and left before anybody could ask me anything of whar my memories where about. I ran, and kept on running until I found an empty room and locked myself inside. I sat behind the door and covered my face with my palms. I started crying histerically.

Everything made sense now. All those years of fear, and sadness made sense now. I was indeed created to hurt and cause pain, and my parents never had the guts to tell me so. But... why?! Why didn't they tell me so before?!? It would have made me feel... a bit better. But... they didn't and now I'll never know why.

That's when I heard a knock on the door.

《In the room..》

Jack and the others inmediatly ran for Elsa, but she was faster then them, so she managed to get to the room before them. Jack was histerical: she had never seen Elsa this bad before, and he was really worried about her. He was the first to knock on the door.

Jack: (knocks on door multiple times) Elsa, please! Open the door! I can help you, but please tell me what you saw!

Elsa: No, Jack! Please, just leave me alone! Go away, I don't want to hurt you!!

Anna: Not again, Elsa. Please, we are worried about you!!

But Elsa would not budge. She just lowered her head between her legs and kept on crying.

Jack was still not whilling to give up.

Jack: Elsa come on!

Elsa: NO JACK!

North suddenly spoke up.

North: That is it. I'm coming in. (starts coming towards the door)

Jack: (blocks the way) North, please! I have to talk to her first!

North: Jack, listen to me. You are pressuring her to talk, so what's going to happen? She is not going to talk! You have to gentle with her. Something you REALLY don't know how to do.

Jack: But, North!..

North: Please, Jack.

Before Jack could say something else, North had made its way towards the door.

North: (Knocks on door) Elsa..

Elsa: Jack, I told you to leave!

North: Elsa, it's North. Can I come in?

Elsa thought this for a second, and opened the door. North came in.

Elsa tried to clean her eyes with her sleeve, but it made no use; she still looked slobby.

North took a chair and sat next to Elsa, who was sitting on the floor just like before. Elsa took a breath, and told North everything: about her mother being sick, about Pitch giving her her powers, everything.

She felt a little better after telling north about his memories, but not that much. She felt horrible for screaming that way to Jack, practicly a best friend, but she knew North longer than she knew Jack, so she kinda trusted North more.

After hearing this, North sighed and said:

North: Elsa, I get how you feel. When I first became a guardian, kids were scared of me, because I was big and scary. I really thought the man in the moon made a mistake; maybe I had the same destiny as Pitch. But then I thought "why stop trying? things are always hard at the beginning, but they pretty much always get easier as we go." So, I kept trying and trying. And, look at the result! (laughs)

Elsa: (chuckles)

North: Elsa, maybe you were destined to cause harm. But, your parents knew that you were going to go the right way from the start; the problem was they didn't know when. So, please, don't think for one second that you are not capable of doing something, because even when all the odds are against your favor, it is you who takes charge and desides.

North stands up and looks at Elsa.

North: So there is only one question left: Elsa, do you want to help us defeat Pitch?

Elsa knew from the start what was going to be her answer:

Elsa: Yes. I do.

IT COULD BE DESTINY...♥ (jelsa fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now