Chapter 18: 10 years

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Lets go back a bit.
Elsa agreeded to work for Pitch in exchange for Pitch to leave ver friends and family without any harm.
Her friends and family decided to move on, returning to their lives and to their homes. They had tried to save her, but it was useless.
She was doomed.
Aparently her powers had caused a lot of suffering in other places, destroying homes and entire villages, and all the authorities tried to reach for them. But again it was useless.
From all of Elsa's relatives and friends, Jack was the one that got affected the most. His spirit went downhill, and he didn't want to play or do anything at that point.
Eventhough he was inmortal, he aged a bit. He looked older and sadder.
10 years passed and they never heard of Elsa or Pitch until some sort of tragedy happened and they had to interfere to save people.
Until one day...

Jack's P.o.V
Everyday after she left became a hard one.
I had more difficulty with my duties as a guardian, and my happiness had faded away.
I wasn't happy.
The worst of all is that I knew exactly were she was.
But I couldn't save her.
It was debastating.
My friends usually came, told me to move on and have a happy time with them, but I was never really in the mood.
They were good friends, because they never left my side, but they could do nothing for me besides bringing her back.
10 shitty years passed, full of suffering and ache.
Until I heard someone knock loudly on my door.
I had a huge headache that morning, so I mostly groaned and moaned so that the person would let me be.
"Jack, I know you're in there! Open up!" said the other person.
It was Anna's voice.
"Fine, fine!" i said, reluctanlty.
I put on some pants and a T-shirt and opened the door of my small cabin in Arendelle.
(Yes, I stayed there just for her)
Eventhough it was mid winter, I used to never wear coats or any kind of clothes that would cover me. Anna, instead, looked like she pulled out everything from her wardrove and put it on.
With a worryied face, she started talking.
"They, she, she was..."
"Slow down, just tell me " I answered with a bored face.
"They...they found her."
My eyes widened.
"I'll get my coat." I said.

When we got there, it seemed like every person in Arendelle had come to see their queen.
I saluted my friends, all of them with a worried but expectating expression.
I barged to get to the front of the crowd. They had police all over the scene.
But there she was.
There was a huge hole on the ground, and she was laying there with her eyes closed.
She had aged, but she never lost her beauty.
I cried.
Eugene and Rapunzel helped me get up. They told me to stay put.
When they got her out, Merida had to stop me from jumping on to Elsa. She knew I could harm her, but she was so happy for me aswell.
They took her to a hospital and we followed the ambulance.
I was jumping up and down, and everyone had a smile from ear to ear from seeing me happy. Anna had even cried on Kristoff's shoulder, but I knew they were happy tears.
On the hospital, everyone got a chance to see her. She didn't woke up.
When It was my turn, I sat next to her bed and touched her hand.
I had a speech planned for her, but the only thing that came out of my mouth were sobbs.
That's when I felt her grip tighter against my hand.
I looked at her and saw her eyes. Her beautiful eyes looking back at me.
"My love" she said, smiling.
I smiled with tears in my eyes.
That's when I knew I had her back.

2 months later...

"You sure you wanna do this?" asked me North for the millionth time.
" i told you i'm sure" i answered, with a smile
"Remember we cannot change you back" said bunny.
" I know"
"Remember to brush your teeth well!" said the tooth fairy.
I laughed and nodded.
Sand man said nothing, but He was smiling.
I hugged them all and told them I would miss them.
Bunny cleaned his eyes. I laughed.
I turned around and saw that all of my friends were in the other side of the lake.
The lake I had fallen on.
Elsa looked at me.
I knew I could only be with her of I was a human.
I smiled and didn't think twice before jumping on the lake.
The moon browned my hair and my eyes. She pulled me out. I thanked her for everything.
Elsa and everyone was aplauding and cheering.
I was a human again.
When I landed in the ground, I bended on one knee and proposed to her.
She cried, nodded a Yes and we kissed.
Everyone cheered even more.
We had found....

Author's P.o.V.
Well that was the end.
They finally found love, so yeah a cheesy ending.
Just try to imagine how she escapes please i'm not in the mood to explain 😂😂
Thank you for reading!
Love y'all! STAY PEACEFUL!

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