chapter two

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Delphine glared at Genevieve in annoyance as the girl sat with her legs bouncing up and down while they sat in their English class. The girl had been doing it for the past thirty minutes and she didn't know whether it was all of the caffeine in her system, her bladder, her undiagnosed ADHD, or nerves. Though she doubted the latter was the case.

"Genevieve, do you need a horse tranq?" Paris leaned over to her.

"It's cold in here, I have a jacket in my locker," She said, and paused to hide a sneeze in her cardigan sleeve, "But the test starts in five minutes,"

"You're telling me you can't do your business in five minutes?" Tristan looked at her.

"Don't make it sound like that," She said, the tapping of her feet continued. Tristan rolled his eyes as he felt Hestia stare holes into his head from across the classroom, all three of Genevieve's friends were in the class, but they were split up due to the constant ruckus they've caused during class. He sighed and tugged his jacket off, reached over his desk, and slipped it over Genevieve.


"Quiet down!" Mr. Medina walked to the front of the class, "You will have ten minutes to review silently, do not speak, do not leave your seat, and do not turn around, doing any of these actions will result in the ultimate disqualification of your score, understand?" The class murmured a synced-up "Yes sir," and pulled their study materials out.

Where's the small-town girl? Paris slipped the note onto Genevieve's desk, she tried to overlook the fact that she was currently wearing Tristan's jacket. She was envious of how she didn't seem to have a blush on her face, if she felt anything at all about having his jacket on, her face definitely didn't show it.

Good god, she's gonna be hit with reality when Medina doesn't let her take the test Genevieve wrote back. She fluttered her eyes over to Paris who had a satisfied smile on her face at the sight of the empty desk behind her. Ever since Rory got that D on her paper on Monday, the girl had been more absent than usual.

"Hard paper," Paris said, smirking at Rory.

"Killer," Louise agreed, "How'd you do?"

"Ninety seven," Paris said, "You?"
"Small world! I got a ninety seven," Louise said, "Madeline?"

"You know I got a B," She said, "Chilton four?"

"Ninety eight," Delphine and Alina said together.

"Ninety nine," Hestia said, picking at her nails.
Genevieve remained silent, as she flipped through a book at a rapid pace, only stopping to write notes in between the lines. She was so focused that she didn't notice when Paris slipped her test paper off her desk.

"Unbelievable!" Paris said, "She got a 100, and she's not even bragging about it,"

"It's just a three point difference," Genevieve said, knowing it would piss Paris off even more, "Gilmore, what'd you get?"

"She got a D," Madeline said, and Rory quickly shoved her paper in her bag.

"Not everyone can be smart," Paris said, following her out of the classroom, "As my mother said, somebody has to answer the phones!"

"Notebooks away!" Mr. Medina said, after the timer rung, "Do your own work, you all have different tests so don't even consider cheating, you may start as soon as the test reaches your desk,"

Genevieve handed the test paper back to Tristan without looking, hoping to avoid any eye contact. It had taken all of her to not blush and stutter over her words with his jacket on, and she knew that if she saw those damned eyes of his, that she'd be a goner. She knew that an action as simple as handing a test paper to Tristan was too mundane for him to not do something and she was right when she felt him slip a piece of paper in her hand after he pulled the test paper away from her.

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