chapter thirty one

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To say that Tristan was pissed off at Genevieve would have been an understatement. Two months. He hadn't seen the girl in two months. Day in and day out, he waited for her to return home, and with every day that she wasn't home, he got sadder and sadder.

He found out only two weeks prior that she drove all the way to her family's cabin and stayed there for the entire summer, knowing that Tristan wouldn't dare to set foot there in fear of Weston. After he found out, he drove the two hours there only to find Weston and his husband laughing at Tristan's distressed state upon finding out that Genevieve was in D.C. for a conference camp. All calls led to voicemails, and he even tried writing letters to her- absolutely nothing.

Though, it was some consolation that he saw her name on the re-enrollment list for their senior year. At least she was coming back. Weston wouldn't lie to him, right?

. . .

"At least you didn't murder a U.S. Ambassador." Weston snorted as Genevieve told him about her trip. She punched him in the arm as he continued to laugh. The trip was draining, she spoke to many people, and made connections— nothing special. Her mind was far from anything school-related as he drove past Tristan's house. The lights were off, and his car was in the driveway. Weston began driving slowly, giving her any chance to tell him to stop, to do anything, but the two of them sat in silence for the rest of the drive home.

"Gen, are you okay?"

"I am." She said, unlocking her door, "I think."

"Do you need any help—"

"No." She said, fumbling with her keys, "I'm tired."

Weston was taken aback, "Oh... Well you should go to bed then."

"Yeah." She gave him a tight-lipped smile.

Weston scrambled out of his car before she could go into the house, "Before you go in there, I just wanted to let you know that he's been in your room."

"I have no doubt about it." Genevieve said.

Okay. He's read the book. It's fine. He's at home. I have time. I have time. She thought, but she was putting it off to the very last minute. She arrived back at Hartford earlier that day and drove back home to drop all of her clothes off only to realize that the rest of her clothing was up with Weston. She wasn't avoiding Tristan— really, she simply had a laundry list of things to do.

Genevieve ran over to hug her grandmother who was cleaning a pot of tea. She took note of the fact that it was the fancy china as she told her the general details of the trip. She of course left out the fact that she was almost kicked out on her first day, what her grandma didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

"Go to your room now, I'm going to sleep." Her grandma kissed her on the forehead and sent her upstairs. Her room looked to be fine from the outside, the door was still attached, so she took it as a good sign. She honestly should've known better.

"Are you making it a habit to go missing during the summers?" Tristan turned around in her chair when the lights snapped on like an evil villain, he spoke softly though because her kitten was asleep in his lap.

"Fuck! Tristan!" She slammed the door in surprise, cringing when her kitten's eyes fluttered open, she lowered her voice, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Kiwi."

"Welcome back." Tristan said.

"Are you making it a habit to sneak into my room within an hour of me getting back?" She rolled her suitcase into her closet, lingering in there for a second longer than she should've.

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