chapter twenty five

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happy new year every one <3 here is a gift from me to you! the support that has come from everyone reading this book has been overwhelming in the best ways possible!!

"Vie Vie," Weston knocked at her door before coming in, he threw a paper bag at her and plopped himself on her couch. This time, his husband followed behind and plopped on her couch next to him.

"Chase!" Genevieve shouted, running over to hug him, she narrowed her eyes at her brother, "Chase's husband."

"You're so funny, have you considered going into comedy?" Weston said, his face unmoving, "What do you know about Archduke Corp?"

"Not much, I've heard grandma talking about them, aren't they competing with us for that piece of land in Germany?" She asked.

"It's not just a piece of land." Chase said, "It's the piece of land."


"Meaning: Money." Weston said, "Lots of it, it's Clairmont v. Archduke, and with Huntzberger's company being newly purchased under us—"

"Oh sorry, you lost me." She said upon the mention of the Huntzberger family.

"Sit down, and shut up." Weston said, "With the H-word family's publishing company under us, we have an upper hand, but if we lose the land."

Genevieve nodded, "We lose the upper hand, because they're planning on expanding to Germany, and they can't expand to Germany if we don't have the land— gotcha. Here's my solution: Drop the Huntzbergers."

"You and that damn vendetta." Chase sighed.

"It's not a vendetta!"

"It's totally a vendetta." Chase whispered to Weston.

"We can't drop the Huntzbergers." Weston said.

Genevieve raised an eyebrow, "Why not?"

"We just signed them? The hell do you mean 'why not? We can't just fire them for no reason— we'll get sued 'till we're destitute!"

"Why are you telling me about this again?"

Weston grinned, "Would you do me- your favorite brother- the honor of attending a dinner with the Huntzbergers?"

"I think I'd rather drag my teeth across concrete." Genevieve said.

"We have good dentists." Weston said, "Seven p.m. tonight."

. . .

There was a tense air in the limo as Genevieve and Tristan sat blocking the door from Weston and Chase. The two whispered in hushed tones as the two men glared at them and attempted to pry them from the exit, but they came to no success. Unfortunately, the Huntzberger family decided to bring their son, Logan, to dinner. Who Genevieve detested in simple terms. She once told Logan that if she had the power to time travel, she would push his pregnant mother down the stairs just to ensure that he'd never see the light of day— and that was the lighter threats that have gone between the two.

The last event that the two had to be at, four years ago, Genevieve ended up leaving the party in complete tears after he ripped her dress and threw her book in the fire 'just to see what she would do'.

Rich kid fights were horribly messy.

"We could set his house on fire." Tristan whispered to Genevieve.

"I'm thinking more minor inconvenience and less felony."

Weston sighed, "Will you two move from the damn doors?"

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