chapter eleven

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"Genevieve!" Rory yelled down the phone, and all four girls flinched back. Hestia and Alina joined the two girls around six in the morning and they all fell asleep together after they spilled the Delphine-Dean situation- the Delean situation Alina named it.

"Good morning," She said, shushing the other three, "Have you decided whether you're sad or not?"

"You didn't tell anyone what I told you, did you?"

"Why?" She said, making a fake face of guilt.

"Everyone in Stars Hollows knows," Rory said, "Babette even knows!"

"Oh my- didn't it just happen?" She said.

"Yeah," Rory said, "Everything's gone to crap now, and I'd much prefer it if the people at Chilton didn't know my business,"

"Well lucky for you, no one really knows who you are," Genevieve said, "I mean even if it did get out, no one even knows who Dean is, as far as I know, he's a nobody in Hartford,"

"Oh," Rory seemed relieved, "That's good, I'll leave you to whatever now. Bye,"

"Since she broke up with Dean, he's not going to the party with her right?' Delphine said, pulling her phone out, "She and I were never buddy-buddy anyways,"

"And she's all skin and bones, what's she gonna do to you?" Hestia said.

"Well," Delphine hit the dial button and Dean immediately picked up.

"Good morning," He said, and they raised an eyebrow at his tone.

"Hi," She said, "Hey, are you free this Sunday?'

"Sunday? I might just pick up a shift at work, why?"

"Party, wanna come with?"

"A party... Where?"

"Hartford, obviously," She said, "Where else?"

"Uh, I don't know," He chuckled.

"Why? Girlfriend holding you down?"

"Not at all," He said quickly, "I'll see you then,"

. . .

Saturday was filled with ignoring calls from Tristan, and shopping for Genevieve as she tried to keep her mind off of everything that had happened. From the almost-kisses that she had yet to tell her friends, to the probable feelings she had for him, and the New York boy- Jess- lingering around, she was nearing a headache. In no time, Sunday night rolled around and the girls were on their way to the "party of the year" according to Madeline and Louise.

Genevieve showed up in a gray slip dress that had Tristan's eyes falling out of his head trying to follow her- even Dean didn't try to hide the fact that he was checking her out, though his attention soon focused on Delphine who seemed to make him blush with every action.

"This house is huge!" Dean said.

"I guess," Hestia shrugged, "You should see Lin's,"

"Maybe another day," Delphine hooked her arm around Dean's and went off to give him a tour.

"I'm gonna find Rory and make sure she doesn't go on a tour," Genevieve hugged Hestia and Alina goodbye. She found Rory and Lane near the entrance, shifting from one foot to the other.

"Hey," She said.

"Genevieve, wow," Lane stuttered, "You look great,"


"You came!" Madeline said and went to hug Rory, her surprise grew even more when she saw Genevieve standing alongside her. "You came too, and you're dressed like a slut, I'm like a proud mom,"

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