chapter nineteen

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October 31st.

The one day where Genevieve didn't feel bad about receiving attention- entirely. She hummed the tune of Sixteen Going on Seventeen as the clock struck twelve, Delphine and the others cheered as she blew out the candles stacked on a mountain of cookies that Tristan baked.

"That's wish one of seventeen," Alina noted. Yet another tradition of theirs, making a wish throughout the day for the age they were turning.

Wish 1/17: I hope I'm friends with them forever

"Was it a good one?" Hestia asked.

"The best," She grinned.

"Ahh! Presents," Alina clapped her hands rapidly, one by one Genevieve opened seventeen gifts from each of her friends. She received 17 books from Alina, all with a hidden message in them. From Hestia, she got seventeen gag gifts, ranging from farting slime to a Rubix cube that was designed to be unsolvable. Finally, Delphine handed her a box of seventeen journals.

If you were a troll guarding any prized possession, you'd been the troll of notebooks <3

Was written on the card, and they all bursted out laughing. Genevieve was known for having (hoarding) a comical amount of journals. Most were empty, but she kept them in a large crate at the foot of her bed. Wherever she went, she'd come home with a handful of journals to add to the crate that was already full.

"You get your gifts after they leave," Tristan whispered.

"Deal," She said.

Their little celebrations went until three in the morning, and while Delphine, Alina, and Hestia were all tired as they left, Tristan and Genevieve were fully awake because the two of them agreed to stay awake for the full twenty-four hours of her birthday. It was more of Tristan's idea because he wanted to make her birthday extra special because it was partially his fault for her stress.

Wish 2/17: a kitten- no a cat- wait a kitten.

"So do I get my gifts now?" She looked at him with a grin.

He sighed dramatically, "I guess...Pick a number, one through seventeen,"

"Three," The two of them said at the same time. She frowned at the fact that he knew her so well.

"Predictable," He said, "That's why I didn't put your big gift in this,"

He handed her a little blue bag and inside was a daisy necklace- a necklace that she'd been eyeing for the past two months, but kept forgetting to buy.

"So you're the guy that bought the last necklace," She playfully narrowed her eyes at him. Just last week she went to Tiffany's down in the shopping center, with her eyes on the very necklace that was sitting on her hands at that moment. Much to her displeasure, the clerk told her that some guy bought the last one of their collection for his girlfriend.

"Don't know what you're talking about," He said, "Need help with that?"

"No, I'm good," She said, easily slipping the necklace on, "Thank you,"

"Do you plan on saying that sixteen more times today?" He said, grabbing the next gifts to hand her.

"I'll say it even more now, out of spite," She said, looking at the two bags he handed her, both labeled 1 and 2 respectively.

"I hate you," She groaned when she unwrapped the two gifts. He got her two books that were titled "How to get along with your mother" and "How to develop a relationship with your father".

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