chapter twenty eight

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Genevieve honestly didn't know how she got into her bed, but she knew that she was there, comfortably in her pajamas and that Jess was safe in Stars Hollow. The clock on her wall stated that it was well into the afternoon, and she realized that she promised both Jess and Tristan that she'd see them the following day.

Jess passed out about an hour into the car ride, and she told him that she'd come see him as soon as she woke up, so that's what she did. Stars Hollow was sunny and brilliant and reflected the feeling that was in her chest. She parked her car near the market and she made her way into Luke's diner.

"Hey, Luke," Genevieve said, "Do you mind if..."

"He's upstairs." He nodded, just as she was about to disappear behind the curtain, "Genevieve?"

"What's up?"

"Thank you."

"Of course."

She went up the stairs two at a time and saw Jess drying dishes in the apartment.

"Hey," She grinned, "Was Luke surprised to see you?"

"He was," Jess said, blushing when she kissed his cheek.

"Here, let me help." She grabbed a cup from the sink, "We need to talk don't we, about... us?"

"Yeah," Jess said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, "Can I- can I go first?"

"Yeah." She said, placing the clean dishes in the cabinet. She didn't know what she expected, but she certainly did not expect what came out of Jess' mouth next.

"I went to see Rory at the wedding because I was back and all, and she was really happy to see me, and- and then we kissed." Jess said.

"You kissed Rory?" She said, dropping a cup in surprise, it landed with a clean break down the middle, "Shit,"

"I can help-"

"No," She waved him off, grabbing a towel to pick the cup up, "So you kissed Rory."

"No- yeah. Well she kissed me,"

"And you kissed back." She said, and Jess nodded. "Okay."

"Okay?" Jess asked, "Okay? You're not mad?"

"Not really," She said, biting the inside of her cheek, "You're not my boyfriend- there was nothing happening between us-,"

"I think I'd rather you be mad at me," Jess scoffed, "You- you know damn well there was something between us."

"But did you know that?" She asked, "If you're standing there and you're telling me that there in fact was something going on between us, and you're getting so upset over it now, why did you kiss Rory back?"

"I don't know." Jess stammered, "Look, how can I make this up to you? I still want- I want to try Genevieve, I like you! Not her. It was a mistake, kissing Rory was a mistake,"

"I don't." She said, "I don't want to try, or be with you. Not in that way,"

"Genevieve please, I'm gonna make it up to you," He said, "I mean- you came to New York, you brought me back here."

"I did." She laughed, "And then you kissed Rory."

"Come on."

"Don't waste your time," She said, "I'm not changing my mind. Honestly Jess, it was nothing, I'll forget about it in a few months. You're making a big deal out of nothing. Kiss who you want."

"But I won't." Jess whispered, "I won't forget about it."

Genevieve scoffed, "Well, I guess you shouldn't have kissed Rory then? I don't know what exactly you want me to say, Jess! Do you want me to stand here and tell you that it's okay? To tell you that all is fine and fucking dandy with the world? We weren't together, and granted maybe we would have gotten together minutes ago, but now I definitely don't want to be with you."

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