chapter eight

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"As I mentioned yesterday, we will be holding a debate next week. Your subject 'Did Charles I receive a fair trial' The pros will represent the parliament who deemed they had sovereignty and the cons will represent the monarch and try and prove that the charge against him was not legal. What is fascinating Mr. Dugray?"

Genevieve looked up from her notes to see Tristan staring dead-on at Rory who was sitting behind her.

"My notes- my notes are fascinating,"

Mrs. Caldecott hmphed, and turned back to the rest of the class "Yes they are fascinating Mr. Dugray. As I was saying, the pro and con teams will each have two minutes and 30 seconds for introductions, six minutes to debate, three minutes for conclusions and five minutes for questions from the audience. The winner shall be decided by a hand count from the rest of the class. Does that sound like fun Mr. Dugray?"


"The debate, does it sound like fun?"

"More fun than staring at Ms. Gilmore's ear?"

"Oh I wasn't staring at her," He said, "But yes, this debate is more fascinating,"

"Alright then," She picked her clipboard up and pointed to Genevieve, Paris, Madeline, Rory, and Louise, "You, you, you, you, and you in a group,"

"Who did she point to?" Paris snapped her head around, "Mrs. Caldecott?"
"Ms. Geller?"

"I wasn't sure who you pointed to just now," She said.

"Oh, uh, let's see. I pointed to you, miss Clairmont, miss Grant, miss Lynn, and miss Gilmore,"

"Are you sure?" Paris asked.

She gave her a look, "Yes I'm sure, thanks for asking,"

Delphine came up to Genevieve and put her head on her shoulder. They simply stood like that until the bell rang, "I got paired up with your little boyfriend,"
Genevieve scoffed and packed her books up, "Sorry Dellie, I don't have one,"

"You're no fun," Hestia said, "We're paired up with Tristan,"

"Good luck getting him to show up," Genevieve said, and Alina sighed.

"That's what we wanted to ask you about,"


"Can we do the study session at your house?" Alina asked, "Hestia's parents are renovating their entire place, Delphine's family is in town, and my brother's at my house,"

"Have you considered asking if you could go to his place?" Genevieve said, "I mean he does live there..."

"He already shot us down,"

"Mm," She really had no reason not to let them use her room as a study place, "Fine- just don't have an orgy on my bed or anything,"

"Well shit," Hestia sighed, "There goes my plans,"

"Clairmont!" Paris yelled from down the hallway, "Come here,"

She shook her head in annoyance and walked over to where the four girls were standing, "My place is out,"

"What?" Paris sighed, "Rory's then,"

"I didn't even offer!" She said.

"Well we can't do mine because my mom's having the entire house redone. So unless you want to sit on no furniture, while watching three Harvey Fierstein impersonators rip up the carpet and paint everything a ridiculous shade of white and call it 'angel's kiss' then we're going to have to find somebody else's house to go to."

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