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Exactly ten years from the date of the graduation party, Hestia, Paris, Delphine, Logan, and Dean gathered on a field surrounded by flowers in Connecticut. It was a day of celebration, tears, and reminiscence as they celebrated Genevieve and Tristan.

"Why does this say acknowledgements?" Paris scoffed, throwing the transcript at her. Acknowledgments her ass.

"What the hell!"

Delphine nodded, "I've read better."

"What are you talking about? I'm fucking Poe."

"You shouldn't be comparing yourself to Edgar Allen Poe." Logan snickered.

"Genevieve, darling. We didn't die." Tristan said, closing the transcript of the book, "It's a great anniversary gift. An amazing one even, I adore it as much as I adore you, but we didn't die."

Genevieve groaned, "But what actually happened was so boring."

"Boring?" Tristan echoed.

"Okay– wait."

"Damn." Dean coughed.

Tristan began listing events off his fingers,"I proposed in a library."


"We got married!"


"That honeymoon wasn't—"

"Shhh!" She climbed on him and shut his mouth.

"I believe the papers called it "The Wedding of the Year." Logan added.

"That was only your paper..." Genevieve said, remembering the box of newspapers with her and Tristan's face on it arriving at her house one morning.

"Well, Gen, as your boss... I'm gonna need you to rewrite that ending." Logan said.

"No." She stated. "In fact, I'm gonna send the death version to the publisher."

"Of course you are." Tristan said, "I can't believe you killed us off!"

"Brutally." Dean added.

"I actually had to edit a bit out because it apparently was too graphic." She put air quotes around the last two words, frowning as the seven looked at her in dismay.

"You're gonna get sued for defamation." Logan said, shaking his head as he flipped through the transcript again, marking the moments where she brutally ripped people apart.

"Oh I'll change the names..." She said, making a mental note to go back to her document after the day was over. She figured a lawsuit from Alina and Rory wouldn't look good on her, "Alina can be... Allie, and Rory can be...Roxie."

"You're lucky you have money." Dean muttered.

"Oh, we'll screw you too!" Genevieve rolled her eyes, "This is why Logan should've been the best man."

"But I'm the best." Dean said.

"Yeah— and I'm the man."

"Hey, Gen... what's the title?" Hestia asked, looking at the blank cover page.

"The title?" Genevieve made a face.

"Yes. You know, you've written four books now, I'm sure you know what a title is."

"I know, I know." She thought for a moment, "Little Annotations."


. . .

The Thank You:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read Little Annotations. Every single comment, vote, and praise has kept me going these past few months.

The Promise:
I promise this is not the last you're going to see of me.

The Apology:
I sincerely apologize for any distress I could have caused... not really, I enjoyed changing the trajectory of your days.

Little Annotations | Tristan DugrayWhere stories live. Discover now