chapter four

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"Genevieve Clairmont I swear to god if you sneeze one more time I'm going to kill you!" Delphine yelled at her from across the classroom. The girl stopped mid-sneeze and slowly looked over at Delphine.

"So now I can't even sneeze?"

"You can sneeze," She said, "Just not every five minutes,"

"If you're sick you should go home," Tristan piped in.

"Shut the hell up!"


"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna miss the French test, and the history, English, latin, and calculus one?" She continued on, "Also how was med school Tristan?"

"Okay now you cranky fuck-"

"Do I call you Dr. Dugray now?" She turned around to face him, and he immediately flicked her forehead, causing her to turn back around.

"Asshole," She rubbed her head.

"Attention students: Due to the weather forecasts, your last period is now cancelled, please proceed to the parking lot where you will be provided transportation, if you have your own mode of transportation, please use the main exit, thank you,"

"See?" Tristan followed her out of the classroom, "Even the universe wants you to go home,"

"Did you forget that I'm coming over to help you study today?" She held up her bag that had her change of clothes inside, "God, you truly are mindless,"

"Of course I didn't forget," Tristan scoffed, and it was true, the boy had spent the entire previous day cleaning his room, and organizing every little thing so she wouldn't be repulsed when she came over, "Am I driving?"

"Mhm," She said, pushing on the side doors of the school and instantly getting hit with a wave of wind, "My driver dropped me off this morning-" She let out a body-wrecking sneeze, "Uh it's still early, do you wanna go get lunch and then head on home?"

Home, Tristan was sure it was a simple mistake, but it still made him smile, "Sure, where are we going?"

"It's great that you asked," She smiled, getting into his car, "How do you feel about a little ride to Stars Hollow?"

"You're kidding right?" Tristan deadpanned, when she didn't change her face, he pressed a hand up to her forehead, "I was kidding about you being sick-"

"I'm fine asshole," She pushed him away, "I'm just craving hot chocolate,"

"Genevieve your dad is a billionaire, I'm sure you can find some hot chocolate somewhere else," He said, pulling out of the parking lot.

She sighed, "But the little diner in Stars Hollow has the best! If I could kiss it, I would,"

"You're paying," He said, taking the turn to Stars Hollow.


. . .

"If someone tries to steal my car I'm gonna kill you," Tristan said, parallel parking perfectly on the side of the street.

"Who would want to steal your car?" She turned to look back at it, "Shit's ugly,"

"And you're back to your incessant insults," He pulled the door of Luke's diner open, and the two were hit with warm air.

"Clairmont," Luke greeted.

"Hi Luke!" She said, cheerfully, but failed to do so because her nose was so stuffed. The man turned back to look at her and sighed.

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