chapter twenty

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"I can't feel my ass Genevieve," Tristan complained for the seventh time in ten minutes. Genevieve tried to peek over at him but failed when she saw the wall of snow in between them. What started as an innocuous snow day, turned into a snow fort building contest. Of course, then Tristan decided to kick her fort over, which caused her to pelt a snowball in his face.

The snowball fight took place for exactly thirteen minutes, and then Genevieve raised a white flag in the form of a mug of hot chocolate. The two of them, too tired to move, fell back onto the snow, watching as their breath became visible as they breathed.

"You know, Alina told me that Dean told Delphine who told her that there was going to be some dinner at Stars Hollow." Genevieve said, "The invitation was extended to us too since the original people cancelled. We should go."

"To Stars Hollow?"

"Yep." Genevieve said, "Don't you want to see how a small town celebrates snow?"

"It certainly would be a vast difference from here." Tristan motioned to his neighborhood where everyone was gone to some skiing resort or summer home in Australia.

"Alright." Genevieve stood up, patting the snow off her pants. "Go get dressed, we gotta get there before the roads freeze over. Black ice is no joke."

"You're telling me to get ready fast?" Tristan scoffed, "I'm going to be waiting on you."

And he was in fact right. Genevieve, who packed an outfit ahead of time, knowing that Tristan would say yes to the dinner, took an hour to get ready in contrast to his twenty minutes. He sat on his sofa, bored, watching as she curled her hair and then ran her fingers through the curls- separating them one-by-one. She'd been doing that for ¾ of her head, and she was on her last strand when he let out an obnoxious sigh.

"I'm done. I'm done." She rolled her eyes. Unplugging the curling iron. She disappeared into his bathroom and came back out a minute later wearing a dark burgundy sweater with a skirt.

"How do I look?"

"Beautiful." He said, grabbing his keys, "Now let's go before the roads freeze over."

"I don't sound like that!" She followed him out to his car.

"Yeah, you do." He said, pulling out of his driveway.

Tristan roped Genevieve into singing Christmas songs on the drive there- claiming that it was almost his birthday, so she owed him. From Rudolph to songs from Charlie Brown, they listened to them all. Genevieve suspected that he purposefully drove slower to get more songs in.

"I mean..." Tristan parked right near the entrance of the Inn, "It's not too bad looking."

"Oh not at all, it's really pretty." She said, "D'you wanna sit here and scope out who's coming?"

"Obviously." He scoffed. One by one, they named, judged, and observed the people walking into the Inn.

"There's Dean," She pointed, "Did he get a haircut?"

"Looks the same to me," Tristan dismissed, "Do you think Luke has multiple pairs of the same shirt?"

"Oh most definitely." She nodded.

The two were so engrossed in their judging that they didn't notice Lorelai walk up to the car, swaddled up in a coat.

"You know you two can come inside right?" She said after Tristan rolled the window down, "You can part with your car for one night."

"I mean, I guess," Tristan said, and the two of them got out of the car and followed Lorelai into the Inn.

"Look, the trust funds are here," Dean announced, jokingly.

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