28 - Lonely Lives

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It's quiet

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It's quiet.

It's quiet enough that the silence itself seems like noise. Aurelia hates moments like these. Moments where all sounds, all human sounds, disappear, where you can only hear the rumble of a car's engine or the distant cry of a bird; these moments leave room for darkness to grow and dark magic to spread.

Silence can be comforting. But not in this way.

The trio, the most unlikely trio in existence, Aurelia, Dick and the kid they just picked up, Rachel take a break from the long drive and find themselves at a diner. The diner is small, cozy and quite reminiscent of those roadside diners you'd see in movies. Aurelia sits next to Rachel, closer to the window. (Closer to their path of escape, if needed)

As the waitress arrives with mugs for the three, Dick asks Rachel. "You want a hot chocolate or something?"

"Just coffee. Black," Rachel answers, her gaze distracted.

"I bet they have marshmallows." The moment Dick finishes his sentence, Aurelia cringes. 'He still has no idea how to talk to kids.'

"I'm not a kid, okay?" Rachel sounds a little angry.

Dick relents. "Same for the lady."

"Ladies," Aurelia corrects him with a look as she smiles at the waitress. "Black coffee here as well."

The waitress pours coffee into their mugs. Aurelia takes a tentative sip. The bitterness sings on her tongue. Perfect. As she goes to take another sip, Rachel speaks up.

"My mom didn't like me to drink coffee," She says. Reaching for the sugar container, Rachel opens it and pours sugar into her coffee. And pours a lot.

"Sweet tooth, huh?" Dick says.

'Your teeth will fall off if you put that much sugar in your coffee, Lia. Come on, just reduce it a little. For me?'

Aurelia pushes the memory to the back of her head. There is no use getting lost in the past, especially not now. 

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