30 - Family Time

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In the morning, Aurelia knows there is only one thing left for her to do

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In the morning, Aurelia knows there is only one thing left for her to do. 

She stands in the alleyway behind Hank and Dawn's apartment, checking her surroundings to make sure no one is around. She casts her favourite teleportation spell, but instead of a door, she opens a window. 

A window to the mailroom at her old precinct. Aurelia has a feeling, practically confirmed, that things will only get worse and more illegal from here on out, now that she knows there is a supernatural evil involved. As much as she wants to help Derek Gardiner with this case, this is something he'll have to figure out on his own. Her old partner is a smart person; he can manage something. 

The letter, containing her badge, is addressed to her old partner, thanking him for things and telling him that she's run into dead ends and isn't sure if she can be of help. It's a lie, but she can't really tell the truth. Though the world knows about the existence of superpowered humans and aliens, magic tends to be a very secretive field and most of those who practice it don't like the spotlight. Except some. 

With a last sigh, Aurelia tosses the letter through the window and cuts off her ties to that part of the world.


Aurelia fumes in silence as she stands in the stairwell near Hank and Dawn's apartment. She missed her old friends, sure. But being in their apartment only brings up painful memories, memories of a time, of a lost friend that cannot be gained back. She stares at the lily petals in her right hand. She lets go of them and they disappear in mid-air before hitting the floor. 

"You planning on staying there forever?" 

Aurelia looks up at the sound of Hank's voice. "Maybe. I'd rather not go back inside, if you get me."

"That I do," Hank answers gruffly. After a short pause, he asks a not-so-surprising question. "How come you're working with..."

She winces. "I don't know. I was not even supposed to be here. I left this life a long time ago, Hank. But that kid...there's something about her and my magic is not giving me all the answers. I can't abandon her right now. And not with him."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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