13 - Too Deep

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September turns into October and October turns into November

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September turns into October and October turns into November. The weather turns slightly cold, although it's nothing like the biting cold of December. Early application deadlines roll in, college applications are submitted and results are awaited. Training is still carried on and Aurelia's connection with Phoenix grows even stronger. As much as she says there is now a gap between Clara and her (there is), they still share that strong bond that ties them, a connection that runs deeper than their magic or the blood they share.

Annoyed as Aurelia is at her aunt for her overprotectiveness, she can't deny that her life without Clara would be...weird to say the least. At least Clara is better than Bruce, as Dick tells her everytime she meets him.

For sure, Clara is better than Bruce; that Aurelia can confirm as a fact. She's, and Aurelia means this in the least offensive way to Bruce, a much cooler person than the brooding billionaire. Would Bruce ever tell Dick stop working so that they could watch a movie together? Nope, he wouldn't.

But Clara? She is the kind of person, the cool aunt, that will literally tug away your homework and make you sit and watch a movie with her to relax. And she even promises to do your homework for you. So beat that, Dick. (Aurelia always holds this fact above his head, just to make him jealous)

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