9 - Final Fight (???)

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Things are changing for Aurelia Hall

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Things are changing for Aurelia Hall. It's not just the fact that she is going to turn sixteen in two days; nor the fact that she hit a weird growth spurt and has shot up in height or that weird (but good) feeling she is starting to get around Dick. It's nothing like that. Maybe it's all because of the magic she's absorbed, the magic she carries alongside her. Ever since she has absorbed, taken, the power of the Phoenix, things have changed. For better or for worse, Aurelia doesn't know.

She'll have to ask Clara about this. Maybe after tonight's patrol.

Aurelia is still in her normal clothes, but she can always change into the Lumen outfit with a wave of her hand (thank magic). Maybe it's just the fact that she has new magic, but she feels today is going to be...well, different isn't the word she's going for, but sure, that suits the situation. Different. Today is going to be different.

"Aurelia, what's taking you so long?" Clara pokes her head through the bedroom door, with her mask covering most of her face. "You know we are getting late."

"Sorry, I was just thinking." Aurelia apologised; with a wave of her hand, she was in her outfit, complete with the mask and the cloak. She pulled up the hood of the cloak, before she looked towards her aunt. "Let's go now."

"Alright," Clara gives her a slightly analytical look, as though trying to read her thoughts but she doesn't feel a telepathic intrusion. It's probably just the concerned aunt look. "We have to be quick. There's been reports of some guy attacking stores down by the old shopping district."

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